Since like everyone is doing summary of their 2008. I think I also do one too :D…
– Was back in Kuching enjoying my sweet semester break…
– Went for my first Blood Donation…
– Struggling with my Final Year Project...
– My blog was one year old.
– Change my miao’s look from a Stick-miao to a Pikachu-miao.
– Went bankrupt getting my very first DSLR, Canon 400D.
– Met Fattien for the first time
– Met HungWei for the first time.
– Finish my university.
– Went to Pahang for my first time
– Went to Penang and met Cedric for my first time
– Went to Aquaria and met Robin for my first time
– Went for an Interview for my first time
– Went to Bali for my first time
– In search of a job.
– Design Banner for HungWei
– Went for photo shooting with Jason…Food shooting, Cars Shooting..
– Still jobless…
– Still searching of a Job…
– Design banner for Louis’s Shoe Site.
– Went even more photo shooting with Jason…more Food shooting and also Fashion shooting..
– Got my job offers at the end of July…Thanks to my friend’s help.
– I’m officially graduated.
– I started to work.
– Met Chong for the first time.
– Went to the Summer Concert for the first time..
– Met YuinYin for the first time.
– I started to do comic posts on my colleagues, life and friends.
– Changed my miao’s look from Pikachu-miao to Mantou-miao
– It was my 23rd Birthday.
– Got myself a car, Proton Saga BLM.
– Got featured on the Malay Mail Newspaper!! Yata!!!…Thanks to Selina 🙂
– Went to Taman Negara for my first time.
– My hamsters showing their faces for the first time.
– Met Splashmilk for the first time.
– Went to Kuala Lumpur Photographing Festival for the first time.
– Met SmashPop for the first time.
– Guest Blog for my first time at
– Went to Bird Park for the first time.
– Got my first pay cheque for the first time from Nuffnang. Thank you ^^.
– Bought my own domain from it.
– Met JiaWen for the first time.
– Went to Gua Tempuring and Ipoh for the first time.
– Went to Pikom fair for the first time.
– Went to Bloggers Gathering for the first time.
– Met Fox, Dylan, Aaron, Frost, Jay, Danny, Mikkiz, and IcedNyior for the first time.
– Met Cass for the first time.
-Met Bryan for the first time.
-Met Yatz for the first time.
– Met Gabriel and Mike for the first time.
From the summary, it seems like my life gets pretty interesting after I graduated when i thought working life is gonna be soo boring. XD
Life wise, I been to so many places I had never thought of going before, and also knowing and meeting so many new friends.. And sometimes I can’t even manage to blog each and every little outings out…
The best part of all of these is I’m getting more and more people liking my Miao and Hamsters!! So I just wanna say…
In the coming 2009, I will try my best to give you all laughter, tears and sweatness…
P/S: I failed at Spellings and Grammars.. so please ignore them 😛 Nya~
Comments 32
Happy New Year 2008…. wow… looks like I’m gonna do a summary of also lar… Cheers dude!!
Reply: Happy New Year dude ^^
u’re welcome welcome welcome..
lolz.. nice summary u have there..
looks like i dont even know what I’ve been up to whole year round..
Reply: Hahaha mine short and banyak first time XD..just track back the photos and blog posts
good summary for the year 2008. I almost forget everything at my 2008. and now welcome the year 2009. u seem do a lot of things in 2008.
Reply: Yeah thank you ^^ I planned to do more in 2009 ^^
LOL this is the best summary I have ever seen. haha thanks la.. really nice to know you and other bloggers. So happy indeed
Reply: hahah thank you for the support 😀
Oh ya.. somebody finished this post then got to help me to do something d.. Miaooooo~
Reply: Hohoho… you really tak sabar sabar d hoh XD
YESHHHHHHHHHHH Nice meetin u too! My gosh u are sucha travel cat, can go anywhere one! GENG! 😀
Reply: Meowahahaha penang will be in my list 😀 for next year…
wah u many first times kaw kaw
Reply: *face red* hahahaha last time was too inactive ma XD so now trying everything there is XD
Happy New Year 2009 !!!… nice drawing !!! love it so much.. meow~ 😀
Reply: Thank you~~~ ^^ hehehe and happy new year
So many first. When you want to write the first time you have sex? 😛
Reply: hahahaha really try a lot of new stuffs and meet a lot of new people this year ma XD..
Trapped fly with your bulu kaki!????
OMG SHAVE LAHHHH! hahahhaahh!
Reply: No way.. because
1). It will be really strange to have smooth skin…
2). It will be spiky and pointy when it started to grow out later..
3). They say one bulu kaki scared away 1 ghost.. and I’m afraid of ghosts XD
happy new year 2009~miao!!!
Reply: Happy New year to you too Josh ^^
Ur Miao gonna go for a plastic surgery again wor ;p
CNY coming~
Happy New year~!!
Reply: Hahaha I think no more plastic surgery d.. as I’m satisfy with its current look d ^^ ohya gong hei gong hei.. ang pow giam lai..
Aisehh, too late to see this, I have no time to do a summary already, maybe in end of year 2009 XD
Reply: Wahh then need to wait 1 whole year lor…
ahahahah happy new year man..
haha..dont worry about your grammar…what you wrote shows who you are really!
your summary sounds quite cute……..mostly meeting ppl…. hahaha….. u can be social worker XD
anyway, happy new year 2009. wishing you a good health, growing prosperity, promising career and bright life!
Cheers! Eh, where is your hamster? wanna BBQ them to celebrate New Year! XD
Reply: Hahahaha yeah ^^ someone who is so bad with language.. but nvm XD that’s why I use my cat to do all the talkings hahahaha…
Yalo.. I also noticed I keep meeting with people.. I like meeting new people.. yet I dunno how to social/chat around ^^
Wishing you a very good Meow meow new year too ^^..
My hamsters are enjoying their holiday sleeping wahahah…ehh they wake up jor.. running over there.. XD
Happy New Year!
Your 2008 sure was fruitful!
Reply: Hehehe thank you… hopefully next year will be a blast ^^
YAY for Miaooo!
More for 2009 k? 😀
Don’t worry, when I can go Japan I’ll tag you along keke.
Reply: Sure Chingy~~~~ Meowwwww
Yeah yeah.. ^^ but wait i went for my Japanese class first 😀
Miao! I like your hamster as well! 😀
Reply: Hahaha.. they’re getting more fansee lol XD
Happy New Year!! Best wishes and stay funny… 😀
Reply: Hahaha Thank you ^^.. I will try 😀
Happy New Year to Miao! Keep up the good work! 頑張って!!!
reply: Meow~~~~ ^^ Oki..Doki.. Thank you for the wishes
btw wats d different between the Pikachu-miao and Mantou-miao arh… like same one o.o!
Reply: Different 😀 The head and the body structure 😀
happy new year dude
Reply : ^^ Thanks man
Happy New Year Miao!!~~ ^^
You have do alot of travel in 2008, very nice! XD
Keep it on for this 2009 =)
Reply: Will do more in 2009 😀
You dont mention about i…
Reply: Uh.. eh… See a flying saucer..
wah lau that pic of me seems like i have passed on to the next life… ahahahaha…. well at least its in heaven !! LOL…
anyway Happy New year !!!! Meeeoooowwwwwwww
Reply: That’s where all the angels and gods lived.. 😀 and you’re not dead.. you just at a higher level
Holy sh*t! The way you post is so incredulous! I really love your pics. =)
Reply: Hahaha I thought an new idea for wallpaper.. a “holy” shit haha..
Btw, Thank you ^^
happeh nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeew year to u! 😀
hope to see more of your cute miaos soon! 😀 😀
Reply: Mooooooooooooooo—– eooww.. XD
Happy 牛 Year!!!
Great Arts. Can change the headings design liao lu!
Reply: Yalor.. now trying to draw new 1 hahaha 😀
Have a great start in this brand new 2009~~
can see that you already achieved alot for 2008.
Good job~~
Reply: Hahha I was really satisfy with it ^^ been to so many new places and meet so many new people.. 😀
HAhHAhA How many times Miao went for plastic surgery ??
Reply: Hmm..twice 😀 so that’s make the current miao 3rd looks
I must say u’ve done a very good job.. whenever i’m back from work, all so tired n pek chek, reading ur blog is one sure effective way to cheer me up!!! At times i laugh so loud reading it, until my darl darl also run over and k-po.. haha.. Wish you happy 2009! And thank you for the nice entertaining posts!
Reply: Hahahaha thank you ^^… I will try to make more entertaining and funny post.. even if i need to sacrifice my hamsters wahahahah
already 2009 for 5 days and i havent write a post like this. anyway, i think i will do it tomorrow.
Reply: Don’t think XD go write 1 XD
Happy new year! and Nice to meet you too!
Thanks for the comics too, really funny and cheerful. You rocks!