Windy days in Melaka

Jian Akiraceo Outdoor 32 Comments

Melaka have been very very windy these days. I don’t see any point to set my hairs at allΒ  before I go anywhere as it will ended up messy again once I stepped out of my house.

Comments 32

  1. hahah, same goes to KL, windy in the morning, hot in the noon, and windy again in the evening.
    CNY coming lor~

    Reply: KL also windy ar? No raining over there?

  2. Here’s cloudy -_- seems like going to rain soon…

    New year mah, ζ–°εΉ΄ι£Ž veli strong xD~

    Reply: Hahaha.. they also say the same thing.. CNY is coming XD

  3. HAHAHHAHAH u wear a wig, all ur hair blown away liao XD LOL

    it’s windy here in Kota Kinabalu too XD

    Reply: Woah there also windy ar @@
    then normally ler? windy or not.. since KK is facing the big sea..

  4. haha… your story is familiar…same to byrecream tv advertisement.. jaga-jaga later they will find it out and will sue you….haha

    Reply:Same ar?? Aiks.. I dunno ler..
    I have not been watching TV for almost 1 year LOL.. the last time I watch is CNY2008 XD when I’m back in Kuching..

  5. XD LOL…HAHAHAHAHA!!! You are really cute o~ And you are really good in this comic blog too~ Nice nice…very nice!!! πŸ™‚ Keep it up ya!:)

    Reply: Hehehe thanks.. I will try to keep it up ^^
    Try visit me more ya πŸ˜€ hehe

  6. not same at all…only the similarity between those are windy…. XD… the ppl’s hair in byrcecream is ORIGINAL and ORGANIC mah….miao wear wig pulak… hahaha

    Reply: hahaha my wig also original and organic ar πŸ˜›

  7. but my mami says melaka is dang hot wo…
    u can put on hat ma πŸ˜€

    Reply: ya and windy at the same time XD
    I can’t wear a cap.. a hat maybe can but.. can’t wear to work also XD

  8. not only melacca, up north just as bad. need to keep all doors and windows closed else u’ll see stuff flying all over 😑

    Reply: North Malaysia also windy ar O.o..
    wahh thing all flying over @@ sounds like a storm there

  9. lol. the wig! use those super duper hard hairgel :p no mistake at all.even tornado also it wont move a single milimeter

    Reply: Hahahaha hard to say like that later my head skin came off with the wig ler xD hahaha

  10. yaya… it’s very windy all over the place. People in Singapore oso dun bother combing their hair. There was once a gal’s skirt almost flew up while waiting for MRT πŸ˜›

    Reply: Ekk!! Many people went blind that day O.o

  11. i think windy is much more better than kl’s weather.
    super hot at noon, and raining after office hour. raining = jam = pants get wet πŸ™

    Reply: Wahh @@ like that sure very sien lor.. getting the pants wet..

  12. I randomly surfed on and found this comic particularly funny πŸ˜›

    Good job, keep it up! Oh, and Happy Chinese New Year πŸ™‚

    Reply: Welcome ^^ and please do visit again

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