I Won the Best Creative Post for Dragonball Evolution Contest!!!

Jian Akiraceo Contest 33 Comments

Last week, I received a call from an unknown number and to my surprise, it was Robb caling from Nuffnang. Suprisingly, I was told that I won the Best Creative Post for the DragonBall Evolution Campaign Contest with my previous post.Ā  It was unbelievable for me as I never thought I would actually win in the contest as I had never win in a contest before.

Anyway, here I would like say…

Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you!! Nuffnang!!!




Miao is sooooo happy!

Comments 33

  1. meow !!!
    Congratulations dude… u totally deserve the tickets ! Have more faith in yourself ya, your work is awesome, if you do not believe me then believe your many fans who always come to your blog !!

    Reply: Yo bro .. hahaha I don’t know what to say ^^
    Thank you

  2. then isn’t it time u take part more actively in other contests to sapu all the grand prize ah? lol

    Reply: Hehehe *scratch head*
    Winning in this contest really gives me more encourage to join for more ^^

  3. wow…so geng…congratz on ur success….mext time miao need to evolve into super saiyan XD

    btw send me a ticket can boh?

    Reply: Hahaha thank you ^^
    you takde bagi address also

  4. Congratz wor, expecting you to become one of the winner when saw the entry already šŸ™‚
    The 2nd last picture is funny.
    Nuffnang mascot running bcs of u, ahah!

    Reply: Woah.. you really expect that eh?
    I thought I broke the rules without my face XD in the photo

  5. congratz!!! i believe one day you’ll be featured on blogger of the month on Nuffnang! šŸ˜€
    ur blog just simply to addictive hahah…

    Reply: Hahaah thank you for supporting ^^
    I hope so too hehehe


    haha.. ofcoz.. i was just joking.. i see so many “deserve” word all along the comment.. so hmz..

    haha.. anyway.. meow meow did it!! yay!!

    all hail!!


    congratz ya!

    Reply: Hahahaha yalor.. seems like everyone very look up to me

    *sob sob* touched~~

  7. Hey, yours (contest entry) is awesome.
    I wonder, got how many winners out there.

    Reply: Hahaha thank you ^^
    For the creative post, they giving out 3 winners only

  8. Hahaha.. dang funny lah, your illustrations. XDXD I hope tonight i won’t sleep-laugh. Haha.

    Hahaha thanks ^^ for laughing at my illustrations

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