The Secret of Lurve Facebook

Jian Akiraceo Advertorial 17 Comments

I found this application from Facebook.

It seems like Twisties Lurve is having a contest in Facebook where you can actually win hard cash from it. Being very generous, Twisties Lurve is giving out a total of RM13k of cash to the winners with the grand prize as high as RM5k.

Click Here.

Seriously, its quite easy.

First, install the applications here and register yourself up.

Do click HERE to join and win. Remember to read the Terms and Condition too.

Comments 17

  1. eh…no one write here yet?
    wahahahaha…..i tot u’r gonna write about how u’r so in LURVE with facebook and get a grip of it all the time (like me, no facebook for a day get me feel restless).

    anyway…towards the ending so funny lar!! u salah masuk into women’s washroom, izit?

    Hahahaha coz the article is not interesting ^^”

    Ehh I’m not really a facebook person 😛

  2. long time didn’t view your blog, i so miss your drawing..sry cz internet gt cut (4 month no pay) so now only get to view your blog when i’m free to go to internet cafe..

    Gosh 4 months didnt pay @@..

  3. Ohhhhhhh….got such competition? I thought just blogging LURVE post top Win MacBook! Wah! Now can win cash!!!

    Yea.. Lurve is having two contests ^^

  4. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA perv on the lose. Anyways, I saw this from facebook ads bfore, it bugged me when I play game hahahahahha

    Seriously ar.. lol someone just complain bout it too XD

  5. Pervert!!! Haha… Out of sudden u become a ‘ham sap miao’. Lol. Cool post to promote the contest. =P

    Hehe.. thanks 😛

  6. ROFL i love the last drawing where u accidentally stepped into ladies washroom. Wahahahahahahaha

    Miao look like a flash right with the hat and coat

  7. Nice blog by you. I am new to your blog and I luv your drawings. I finished reading all your post from this site in 3days time during office hour… 😀

    I hate this ad in the facebook. It is very irritating when I play games… :p



    Woahh welcome welcome..
    Hope my posts manage to entertain you

  8. Play games can win cash…now everyone no need to study hard ady…v just concentrate on games and can earn a living…or mayb become millionaire tim…XD

    Hahaha studying still a must..

  9. wahahaha, miao in “Stalker” disguise……

    whoa, you seemingly joined a lot of contests… sounds like you are intending to get wealthy XD

    My company is bullying me.. so I have no choice to find some extras

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