Meoww~~Hahaha If that person I know him, I’ll find It cute! If that person I not so close and 1st time see him meow.. I’ll surprise but find It amusing! lol 😀
Hahaha.. Im a cat what..
Meowing is a must LOL
HAHAHA! That’s so cute lah! But control control! When my friends call me me I’ll give a very long huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…? There’s once I was at the service centre for my phone when the lady said Ms Lee? I huuuuuhed.
She must have thought I’m crazy.
Lol a long huh .. that’s cute too XD hahaha
HAHAHHAHA!! I used to miao every time i get annoyed.
There was once i miao-ed at my very old lecturer because he annoyed me with assignments and he miao-ed me back. LMAO!
LOL why miao when annoyed?
miao sounds like a happy tone ler
Comments 31
wah, don simply meow at people esp female bosses ler. later they thought you ‘gatal’ 😐
I didn’t know it was her.. she just appeared suddenly behind my cubicle ><
What sort of reply would u give if Jester called? Speaking of which, how come we readers hearing less bout your friend?
“Yo! ” LOL
hahaha lucky you dont bark!
Ehh now i do XD
after I scared the hell out of my colleagues xD with my meow (they’re afraid of cats)
At least if its a lady manager, there’s a chance she might find it cute. If a male…he might laugh it and keep on teasing u about it…
luckily u dint ask for treat 😛
Hahaha don’t think so XD
I bet she didn’t really even notice I meow
manager got “meow-ed”. XD
Nope, like manager, she went straight to the point..
asking some datas from me. xD
LOL tis is funny…. u meow ur manager somemore is a lady. she might think of something else tho~
Hahaha like what?
haha.. u r cute..
Hahah I’m not.. but crazy I am XD
Meoww~~Hahaha If that person I know him, I’ll find It cute! If that person I not so close and 1st time see him meow.. I’ll surprise but find It amusing! lol 😀
Hahaha.. Im a cat what..
Meowing is a must LOL
Meow…meow,meow?MEOW~~~!!! >__<'' Reply:
OMG u accidently called her? XD then she will think u r fond of her..hehehe
Hahaha…wont gua
hahaha… then wat’s her reaction?
Nothing. She just asked about some work matters
lol… u hungry for pussy… cat?? 😛
btw am going to melaka on 25 Oct… u around?
catch up with u for cendol wakakaka
Hungry for fishes 😀
Not around neh 🙁
meowwwwwwww, lol jangan kena goreng sotong hor 😛 haha
Goreng Sotong for a meow >< wahh
thank god they don’t reply with a ROAR…!! hoho..
There’s one colleague who replied with a woof XD LOL
walao~~ u sok liao….
Its in the gene XD wahahaha
meow meow back~~
Meow. LOL.
You seriously meow back at people? That’s rather interesting.
Yep ^^
Haha, Miao need to control yourself.
Miao? XD
Woof! 😀
HAHAHA! That’s so cute lah! But control control! When my friends call me me I’ll give a very long huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…? There’s once I was at the service centre for my phone when the lady said Ms Lee? I huuuuuhed.
She must have thought I’m crazy.
Lol a long huh .. that’s cute too XD hahaha
Then,your manager got asked you why miao or not?
Nope.. she didn’t
Maybe to look and sound innocent, you could say meow meow…lol
Saying more meow is not a good idea hahaha XD
hahahaha miao miao now slowly being a trained cat that respond when ppl call his name hahahahaha XD
LOL later I can performed sit and eat XD
Actually at work I also meow back at my colleagues who called out for me !! But not to the seniors or higher ranked people lah !!! ahahha
It was an accident >< Wait! You burung!!! why you meow?
haha .
must be very paise then
Praise for?
Geng wor! Meow-ing at your lady boss! =p
Accident 🙁
I accidentally meow-ed at my lecturer and he meow-ed me back…in front of the class…=.=”…
LOL he meowed back somemore wahahahah
Lucky your manager didn’t woof woof you back kekaka
I would be very very shocked if she did tat XD
HAHAHHAHA!! I used to miao every time i get annoyed.
There was once i miao-ed at my very old lecturer because he annoyed me with assignments and he miao-ed me back. LMAO!
LOL why miao when annoyed?
miao sounds like a happy tone ler
So, after that she got call you ‘mr.miao’?
Nope XD
That’s pretty funny ^-^
I love meowing back at people too!
Hahaha you do the same thing also eh XD
xD this post cheer my day~