That’s something you have to think of, if you’re lucky to win this contest!!
The Mister Potato’s latest contest.
This Mister Potato is really crazy generous, he just gave out RM10,000 on his previous contest not long ago and now he is giving out prizes again!! This time, Mister Potato not only giving out cash but gold bars too!! @@
The grand prize for the latest Mister Potato contest is actually RM88,888 worth of gold bars. That’s equivalent of 888.88gm of gold in you hand if you win it. ( Assume that RM100 = 1gm of gold). O.o
What you need to do to get a chance to win is just guess the total weight of Mister Potato, Ortega, the three Mariachis and a sack of 100 potatoes. I checked the site and there are hints and clues over there to help with the guessing.
I actually have my answer d, now all I need is to get myself a pack of Mister Potato contest edition pack as I need to get the SMS code to SMS my answer and the SMS code is only available in the contest edition packs.
Smash open the crabs with a gold bar instead of using hammers.
Damn cool, don’t you think? XD
So, what will you do if you have a gold bar?
( LOL, haven’t win already dreaming of getting a gold bar.. XD)
Comments 28
later ur gold bar got crab smell! XD
Nevermind can wash 1 XD
This time, the punchline wasn’t funny at all. Seriously, use gold bar to eat crabs? What kind of joke is that.
well.. thats what i will do if you give me something hard like that.. XD
Nokia 3310 will do too lol..
Gold is not hard enough to eat crab ah uncle! 😛
Not hard enough meh?
Wah lao… Damn random la you!
I am very random XD
wahahahaha… how did u think of this de? wahahahh.. pui fook!!
btw..nice blog background =)
I also don’t know XD
at first my first draft wasn’t like this XD
LMAO!!! I will buy you a nice diamond studded hammer to crush your crabs with in exchange for your gold bar! 😛
Dont’ want!
ei if can smash the crab, can smash ppl’s head oso rite?
Goshh who you wanna smash wor?
lol, later the gold become small pieces, hahaha
Hahaha the crab wont be so hard XD
i think the real pure gold is soft 1…not that hard
Aiks.. like that can’t use as hammer lor
wah IronMiaoMan!!!! wanna see….sure so geng….
i think gold bar will rosak instead of crab…LOL
Gold Miao Man XD hahaha
wah…talk about expensive taste… XD
SLurp slurp hahaha XD
LOLs la. gold price hiking by the years! lols
True XD
Keep another one year the price sure double XD
love the CNY theme for yr blog! i love lion dance!
use gold bar to smash crab… haih…
Hahaha Thank you ^^
I’ll dump it at any bitch’s face HAHA
Wahhh so mean
not even crab
lobster oso can mah ….
since CNY is coming ~ lolx
Too poor.. cannot afford eat lobster XD
use as my baby bolster.. hooray..
Wahhh Golden baby XD
LOL cool! eat crabs wif ur golden bar! ahahahha
u not scared if ppl come rampas ur gold eh?
later eat til half way, gold kena rampas hahahaha
Hmm true also hoh..
but I don’t think anyone will believe I bring such a big gold bar.. for sure they think its fake 1 XD
Y not make Gold pots, Gold knife, Gold plates, Gold fork, spoon. Then you eat Steak/Chicken chop can use gold knife to cut also. 😛
But using Gold Bar to hammer crabs…I dunno if the crab should be pitied or feel honoured being pummeled by a gold bar ><. Reply:
Its honour XD hahahaha
U can have a laptop or pc gilded with gold. Now that’s a lot of bling! Hehehe… Imagine typing on a golden keyboard. 😉
OMG!!! this is a good idea 😀
A Gold PC !!
i think someone will think u are crazy
Not only some’one’
XD hahaha
Already bought a few packets of Mister Potato. I of course will sell it lol. I need cash.
Keep it!! Let the price hike hahaha
hey miao, i wanted to know how to write the html code for the “comment”? because after i added new template for my blog, but then there isn’t a place for my friends to comment. Can you show me how is the code should be written?
Ehhh my theme just come with it..
I didn’t write my theme from scratch..
oh ya btw, and also whenever i want to edit or having new post, i ned to go in instead of just click on my title or any where in the main page to edit it rightaway. >.< can show me these two code how to write or do? Reply:
Too bad I’m not that good enough to show you the codes..
You can try googling around or take the code from the original template in
>.< ok thx anyway T_T Reply:
Sorry I could not help much
Sell it off, and go for a vacation with the money.
Better save it up for the price to hike XD
=_=||| eat crab with it…. better u make something like LOTR’s ring… miao’s statue… transformer robot toy (wooo a golden Optimus Prime! lol =P) … and sell it off for a very good price hehehehe
Hahahha Yahoh..
RM88,888 x rate rawr!!!