Meeting up at Pavilion.

Jian Akiraceo Outdoor 33 Comments

Wrong placewrong place-1

wrong place-2

wrong place-3

Seriously, I have no idea how I ended up at Time Square. I remembered well that the meeting up location was Pavilion but my body just moved towards the Time Square. @@ *singing: its automatic~*

If it wasn’t for Onn‘s message about the stairs and center court.. I would not realize I’m at the wrong place. XD Hahahaha…

In the end, I had to walk another 15-20 minutes to get to Pavilion and the weather was crazy HOT!!

::Please ignore my typo errors.. I was very tired and sleepy when doing this post ::

:: I just notice I forgot to draw my tail @@ ::

Comments 33

  1. walao eh~~i got anei blur eh brother meh??? jiak lak loh…….
    Miao eh tail stay at home hia?? 4get bring it out hia??? reli blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lah u……

    Super blur lar

  2. and that just weird, pavillion is totally different that time square.. it a good thing because you ended at time square, what if you at mid valley.. haha 🙂
    look cuter with no tail 😀

    Very different lor.. somemore different direction @@

  3. wah lao! totally speechless!!!! But can’t blame you, maybe you too tired already!

    i know got two solutions to solve your problem next time:
    1) Please install gps into your mobile
    2) Ask you friend to send location map to you next time…


    I know where’s the place is XD
    I just don’t know why i walk to the wrong place

  4. LOL,that is hilarious.I never knew anyone would just walk to somewhere without noticing they are going to the wrong way.Maybe short distance got la but Low Yat to Times Square ? lol.

    Very tired i tell you.. sob sob

  5. errrr.. actually is from lavendar to marina =Ps

    Err.. I have no idea where is that..
    I only being to Singapore once and I only know the previous location i mention hahaah XD
    Next time bring me there..

  6. Maybe you walk to the wrong place because you didn’t bring your tail. XD

    Maybe my tail is that which makes me go there xD

  7. i thought u purposely type ‘staris’ (cos you’re like confusing and sweating in the picture) lol it’s funny..

    Hahahaha XD

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