Seriously, I have no idea how I ended up at Time Square. I remembered well that the meeting up location was Pavilion but my body just moved towards the Time Square. @@ *singing: its automatic~*
If it wasn’t for Onn‘s message about the stairs and center court.. I would not realize I’m at the wrong place. XD Hahahaha…
In the end, I had to walk another 15-20 minutes to get to Pavilion and the weather was crazy HOT!!
::Please ignore my typo errors.. I was very tired and sleepy when doing this post ::
:: I just notice I forgot to draw my tail @@ ::
Comments 33
miao is so blur? >.< Reply:
so got automatic ang pow machine or not LOL! I want auto giving ang pow from miao!
No way! XD
hehe, not bad… some time i did it too
Where did you walk to?
Haha! i do that quite alot of times too. But in sg. lols
Hahaha don’t tell me from Orchard to Bugis XD
Thats far
haha.. never mind. exercise… 😛 but miao so thin dy..
Tired ler. somemore so hot @@
got wut at time square till it make u walk automatic there? @_@
No idea.. XD
Maybe long time didn’t go d
aiyoyo, blur miao
Sob sob
walao eh~~i got anei blur eh brother meh??? jiak lak loh…….
Miao eh tail stay at home hia?? 4get bring it out hia??? reli blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lah u……
Super blur lar
aiyooo what a super blurry cat! cat went high until lost its tail XD
Hahahha keep at home.. forgot to put on
LOL cat without tail
u hav magnet attract with time square ar? LOL
nothing attracting there
how come u forgot 2 draw ur tail?? XD
Too sleepy and tired XD
hehe,xD this kind of event happened before
Hahaha where did you gone to?
hi, miao~~ i also vy blur and directionless XD
love your comic 🙂
Hahha thank you 😀
and that just weird, pavillion is totally different that time square.. it a good thing because you ended at time square, what if you at mid valley.. haha 🙂
look cuter with no tail 😀
Very different lor.. somemore different direction @@
Hahaha! Miao with a missing tail! epic~
T___T everyone laughing at my tail
Haha, ask your friend to pick you up. You wouldn’t be at the wrong place then. XD
The place so jam… @@
did you forget to draw your eyes as well or was that intentional? Lol.. The next time you see c-onn tell him I sent my regards..
HAhaha that one intentionally XD
wah lao! totally speechless!!!! But can’t blame you, maybe you too tired already!
i know got two solutions to solve your problem next time:
1) Please install gps into your mobile
2) Ask you friend to send location map to you next time…
I know where’s the place is XD
I just don’t know why i walk to the wrong place
next time got a meeting at time square then u go Pavilion
Wahhh don’t want ler.. so tired
lol, I thought you sengaja [ dont know what the word in English =.= ] do not draw the tail..hahahaha
Hahaha no lar XD really forgot
should meet in the middle ma…no need to walk so far lo
Middle.. that would be either SG Wang or Lot 10 XD
haha miao. so cute larh u 😀
maybe ur tail waiting for u at Pavilion eh? wakaka 😛
no no.. maybe i left if there !! Gosh T_T
LOL,that is hilarious.I never knew anyone would just walk to somewhere without noticing they are going to the wrong way.Maybe short distance got la but Low Yat to Times Square ? lol.
Very tired i tell you.. sob sob
OMG! >_<
Well… its perfectly understandable cause you are not always in KL. So can't differentiate which is times square and pavillion right?
Oh well…. LOL!
errrr.. actually is from lavendar to marina =Ps
Err.. I have no idea where is that..
I only being to Singapore once and I only know the previous location i mention hahaah XD
Next time bring me there..
Maybe you walk to the wrong place because you didn’t bring your tail. XD
Maybe my tail is that which makes me go there xD
hahaha… someone stole ur tail isit? hehehe u still have it when u left lowyat :p hahaha
Pick pockets!!!
i mean, to you..hehe =P
Hahaha yea..
very often XD
LOL tail-less miao!! you memang can one!
Hahaha 😛
i thought u purposely type ‘staris’ (cos you’re like confusing and sweating in the picture) lol it’s funny..
Hahahaha XD
wah, where need so long (15-20 minute) to go from BTS to pavillion oh…… u crawl there ah!?!?
why walk oni lor? take monorail lah haha -_^
Walk faster .. no need to wait XD
lol a blonde moment 😀