but don’t do a mass suicide jump into my water jar!!!!
Lately, I kept on finding ants in my water jar. Even after I went and changed the water, they still coming back. Maybe the weather is just too hot and they went in for a swim or something.
but don’t do a mass suicide jump into my water jar!!!!
Lately, I kept on finding ants in my water jar. Even after I went and changed the water, they still coming back. Maybe the weather is just too hot and they went in for a swim or something.
Comments 38
oh.. I found ants all over my bread the other day… my room used to be clean of ants. hmmph… must be the hot weather.
I think they are just tired and wanted to sleep on the soft bread XD
mayb ur water contain some ‘sweetness’?
Gosh.. if so i will get diabetes soon XD
Me Too T^T those ants make me kinda pissed~ No water to drink =(
You too eh?
it happens to me too… no matter how i clean it, still the same. End up i put my jar in a plate filled with water XD then every 2-3 days change that plate water :p
Hahaha i know this method.. i use this to keep them away from my bread and jams xD
Ants are everywhere, can’t leave my food alone for 5 minutes and there will be ants crawling everywhere.
I can’t leave my food outside of my stomach for 5 minutes too hahaah
There was this one time where the house I stayed in was attacked by a whole army of ants, starting from the kitchen, right up to the bathroom… The house wasn’t dirty, mind you, but ……………………………………………
*really speechless*
What happen in the end?
Ants were going for swimming lessons but their coach hilang diri so they drowned?
The coach also drown haha xD
miao miao your saliva is too sweet lol!
Hahaha i don’t know ler.. no one to test xD
hahaha, u r imagining too much!
i agreed with u la. the weather is too hot until they jump into ur water which is their swimming pool to cool down 😀
More like a suicide xD
all end up dead ler
Poor ants.
Yeah.. 🙁
Yea, actually it’s the saliva that we left that attract the ants. Plain water does not attract ants.
Ouu…Any idea what they’re after from our saliva?
That is weird, ants do not hold grudge against each other? that little ant should kill their queen. muahaha
Who knows.. maybe they do hahah XD
hahaha, the ant so cute 😛 suicide, lol.
But ant can swim right?
Not all i think.. XD
I think it is seasonal, miao. Happens in my house too. I am amused to find out that i am not the only one thinking it’s mass suicide hahahaha!
Hahahaaha cats think the same XD
The weather is too hot, even for ants too… 😛
Seriously lor.. its getting hotter every single day @@
I also have this problem
I left my cup in office and the next morning all these ants do massive suicide in my cup
But actually they do not ‘suicide’
All they do is they are trying to ‘drink’ from the cup as I realise most of them are still alive and those who are not are the less fortunate one
Trying placing your jar in another place for a few days
When the ants back to find the water – and they cant find it for a few days, they will source for new ‘oasis’ soon
Then you can happily put the jar back to the original place
This is what I do
and it works!
*now only my boss’s cup have the massive suicide’ lol
Hahaha so you sabotage your boss’s cup eh? XD
Haha..i get use to this condition d..i have candies and water on my table..but the ants go to attack water rather than the candies..so i think that maybe the weather is really damn hot..so the ants start acting abnorml..haha~ XD
LOL.. candy also don’t want XD
Haha, my house also got the same problem….. Like they all said maybe is the weather hot problem….. By the way, nice one “Sucide” haha….. =D
Hahaha thanks 😀
my house is full of ants too~
found 4 different ants nest at my table jz the other day~
go but something that will kill them~
then they wn come back again~ haha
Wahh 4 different nests @@
That’s a lot
When the weather really hot my desk will have alot of food ants! Those mini red ants! But there’s no food or drinks at all. Don’t know what they want from me. =\
Water XD
haha..~!it’s funny..~!!pity little ant..~!!
i think bcoz of the weather kot..it’s not only ant tau..insects also a lot..~!!
I think every life form notice the climate change
hahaha.. i thot apa itu. rupa rupanya ants in your kettle.. hahaha.. nice one miao..
Haha thanks 😀
I think the ants need a swim… especially during this weather!!! argh~ XD
I also need a swim @@
they love your beverage
Its just plain water T_T
Same problem happen to my mum back in malaysia. She always boil a kettle (stainless steel ones) of water and leave it at the dining table to let it chill off. After one hour, ants start to commit suicide..i think if you want to prevent this kind of situation, find WHere the ants come from and murder them by using double tape or something:D
Wahh..i think i just let them take the water XD
why are you so funny one! hahahahaahaha
Hehehe thanks ^^”
To AkiraCEO:
What else can happen.. the ants already invaded my house…… had to make sure that the house was very very clean, else a little drop of honey or sugar on the floor will cause major ant camping site… =.=”
I hate ants. >_<
Let's just say that I am glad that I moved out later. Or the battle with ants will continue like nobody's business… *sigh*
ants gt 6 legs ler…xD
my cup of water has to be either very cold or very hot otherwise within 10 minutes they start swarming already like wan angkat the whole cup o.0
I know.. the other two i purposely didn’t draw
lol,next time put some life jacket in ur water jar.
Don’t know where to find so small size 1
Last time, I also had lotsa ants in my jug kettle… It’s just used for boiling water, why did ants come??? +_+
Let me know when you found out the answer
Hehe, nice post.. I like it.. xD
Hahaha thanks 😀
LOL~ XD This is so funny! Now I know why i keep on seeing ants inside my cup as well!
Hahaha recently so many ants suicide eh XD
haha u know i really hate ants.. but that’s so cute the way u present it.. really quite poor thing.. work so hard while the queens enjoy.. hahah!!!
Hahaha like us lor..
work so hard.. but the bosses enjoy
i guess all the ants got diabetes. dat’s y they don’t attack sweet things. only plain water, enough already or else sugar level will increase~~~ aiyak (-_-“)
Hahaha.. XD
Ants are just annoying….
Sometimes they like to stick on me too…mayb im sweet..haha.
LOL… diabetes man!!
now i understand why my jug of plain water also full with swimming ants.
too many stress lately..
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