
Jian Akiraceo Rant 25 Comments


Last week, I was rushing to complete my work that I didn’t have enough sleep, only 10 hours of sleep over the 3 days. Maybe it is normal for some of you but I think my body just reach it’s limit as I’m starting to feel some aftermaths. I have been very tired ever since, even I’m not sleepy but my body just feel so heavy.

And it’s getting worse when I’m starting to have mild fever, sore throat and running nose.. :/

So please excuse the little cat for a short and not funny post for today. I promise to draw a proper 1 in my coming post ya πŸ™‚



To those who are wondering what is the bo beep bo beep that kept on appearing in my post lately, please check the video below. πŸ™‚

T-ARA’sΒ  T.T.L & Bo Beep performance

Be hold the Cat Dance!

Yes. I’m obsess with Cats even they are not a real one.Β  πŸ˜›

Please enjoy the vid, I gonna go get some rest before I continue my work later @@

Comments 25

  1. Drink warm milk with honey.. It’ll help a bit with relaxation.. If it still won’t work.. Then drink red bull to re-energize yourself.. good-luck miao miao.. =3

    oh, where to find black cats ear ha? Been looking for it.. I could only find bunny ears.. -__-

    Woahh thanks..
    suddenly feel like going down to buy some milk to drink.. XD

    I also want cat ears and paws too T____T

  2. owh i sooo fall inlove with the cat paws glove!!!! xD i want 1!!!!!

    p.s:~ get well soon. πŸ™‚

    So kiut right???!!
    HAhaha I love it too

  3. You don’t need to apologize for not writing a funny post – that’s not compulsory πŸ˜‰ it’s good to mix different kinds of posts together.

    You do take care

    Thanks bing!!

  4. Ah, so cute leh the cat ear and paws, the bo beep bo beep song so funny πŸ˜€

    Take care lo miao miao, I don’t mind if you didnt change template πŸ˜€ cherry nice already πŸ˜›

    Bo beep bo beep~~~*dance dance*
    HAhaha I will try to change.. CNY till now is not good XD

  5. At least u still post something. Some bloggers (like myself) don’t do anything when we’re too busy or tired. LOL

    U like anything to do with cats? Someone should get you a real one and perhaps some bedsheets with cat pictures. XD

    Hohohoho my ex housemates did XD
    A green bedsheet with orange cats~~

  6. Bo beep Bo beep Bo beep Bo beep. My under also Bo beep Bo beepBo beep Bo beep XD

    Get well soon, I’m sick since last friday too.

    Omg! Rest well too!!

  7. Take care o… with the hot weather + your lack of sleep, it’s easy to fall sick… rest and drink more water.. don’t let bo beep bo beep become beep bo beep bo (ambulance siren) πŸ˜› Get well soon!

    Hahahaha beep bo beep bo..XD

  8. LOL! who say this post not funny.. the part where u spin till become a tornado so funny hahaha.. and I wish u speedy recovery miao~ hope you get well soon! πŸ™‚

    Hehehe.. spin ar spin.. dorothy away

  9. hope you get well soon miao πŸ™‚ buy the way the first women looked like jan di in Boy Over Flower

    Which one?
    I’m guessing.. its Boram

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