Miao Going Bald for Guinness

Jian Akiraceo Advertorial 35 Comments

As far as I know, beer and liquor companies always come out with very funny and interesting ads. Remember the one with guys screaming over the beers? I bet most of you do as it was very funny. If you haven’t watch that, you should. XD

This time Guinness came out with this new TV commercial which is pretty awesome too.

Cool right? They made a glass of Guinness travels all the way from the bar through the busy streets and over the construction sites to the window of an office and everything happen so coincidentally and smoothly. XD It was obvious that they used special graphic effect to do this but its very awesome. If only I know how to do something like this XD

The interesting part is the glass ended up in the hand of this bold guy who demand raise for his team from his boss and he’s only working for less than 1 week. Crazy one lor… only a week already ask for raise. But it seems like his bold action actually succeed as he was celebrating it his team over a glass of Guinness in the bar in the end.

Let’s see what will happen if Miao follows his bold move.

Hehehe…As if that will happen XD. Though I think fortune really favors the Bald. As 9 out of 10 balds out there are rich. XD

Anyway, back to Guinness ad, I personally find it pretty inspiring, as sometimes we need to be bold in making suggestions/request which might appear to be absurd since sometimes we’ll never know the outcome if we never asked. Got ask got chance right? 😀

So instead of asking for a raise like the little vid I did. I think I will just…

Bold request

Comments 35

  1. haha…its cute…
    act i’m ur followers since 6month ago… but still hvt leave any comment yet…
    today is 1st time…nice to meet u ya…ur comic is great!

    Woahh thanks for commenting…
    and thanks for reading my blog ^^
    Feel free to comment more 😛

  2. Hi miao,

    I hope u wont mind. I think your title spelling.
    I think is “bold”
    While “Bald” means botak -.-”

    Hope its correct…..

    Yes, its bald not bold 😛
    Aud did a great explanation on it ^^

  3. christie: haha i think he did mean “bald”! cos he turned bald and green that’s why he got offered the role of Yoda

    Thanks lady boss for the explanation ^^

  4. OMG………. this is so funny……………… I like your video very much! You are so talented and creative!!! XD

    *still grinning from ear to ear*

    PS – I don’t think I am that daring enough to drink that glass of Guinness… clean or not one ? 😛

    Hahah I’m not that good also.. but thanks for liking it 😀
    Guinness eh? Hahaha.. after traveling so far eh?

  5. i super love that video you posted and you made!!!! bwahahahahaha!!!! bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

    Thanks for liking it 😀

  6. c gui kia… dont u got better things to draw….. but still funny only if slower a bit will b better……lol

    Hehehe..bo bian

  7. I LOL-ed in my room and my mum came in to ask what happened. I hope im not insane in their eyes now.

    Haahaha XD wont lar.. laughter is the best medicine

  8. i looooove the video you made! it’s a really unexpected and humourous ending, you have got what it takes to be a great artist… always supporting your artworks and loving every detail…

    Woahh thanks for the support!!!!!! 😀

  9. i looooove the video you made! it’s a really unexpected and humourous ending, you have got what it takes to be a great artist… always supporting your artworks and loving every detail…

    Woahh thanks for the support!!!!!! 😀

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