Comments 45

  1. Ip man was nice! it ws my 1st chinese movie that i watched in cinema. so cool~ πŸ™‚

    Woahh.. have you watched ip man 1?

  2. speechless….too over creative pula…

    btw, i like wafuman and pafuman…nice wor…..i wish they can come in figurina so i can buy them XD

    No lar.. where got creative
    Yealo.. if only can make into a figure

  3. So, you watched both Ip Man 2 and Iron Man 2 already? Geng wor, it’s so hard to get tickets. Hahaha.

    It’s easy if you go alone..
    there’s a lot of single seat available

  4. wtf HAHAHAHAAHAHA the case of confusion continueeess!

    Symptom after watching two movies back to back XD

  5. Wah, you watch both together in a day?
    How you manage to buy the tickets??
    On the other hand, the comic so funny πŸ˜€

    Non stop XD
    I went early that day around 10am to get the tix

  6. wafuman and pafuman are soooo cute! =D
    you know ah, i saw from facebook. someone photoshopped mr.bean’s head to IP Man’s body.

    Bwahahaha Mr Bean man XD or Ip Bean

  7. Your blog helped me survive through my internship 2 years ago. I haven’t be checking you for quiet some time but I’m super happy to find that you’re still posting! THank you for always brightening up my day and I wish you all the best!!

    Have a nice day~

    And you watched 2 movies in one day? aha~

    Welcome back!!!
    Yep! back to back

  8. OMG Ironhamster is awesome! Likez!

    Lvl 99 boss got defeated oso? I ask Sen n Garr to help you next time. Lawl.

    Please do!!!!
    I need Iron Sen and Iron Garr

  9. πŸ˜€ Rocking!
    They said Iron Man 1 was better, I felt that the whole Friendship thing in part 2 work real well for mr.

    very creative idea by the way. Pretty sure ur 2 hamster grinning from where ever they are. πŸ™‚

    Hahahaha thanks πŸ˜€

  10. haha…why nowadays ppl keep combining this 2 movie ar? but ‘ip man 2’ reli nice =D

    Hahah because they are released on the same period XD

  11. i watched both movie on the same day too .. But i don’t understand why some ppl really like to compare these two movies and deciding which is nicer. I feel that these two movies are totally different (one traditional and the other modern future sci-fi) … and should not be compared. But your way of COMBINING them … is COOL !! hahahaha .. never thought of that ! hammer Fist society ! hahahaa … and Mr Twister is SOOOOO thin … hahaha

    It’s like two different movie genre right?
    Some more two different language..
    There’s no point in comparing @@

  12. @Akiraceo,

    IP MAN was awesome! I cried (yes I’m ridiculously sensitive. Lol.) And scared my brother-he moved two seats away from me halfway throughout the movie. T3T

    Don’t know who to culik for Ironman. :< Gosh I'm slow. Lol.

    Nice right.. very touching T3T
    Hahaha i think i will moved away too XD

  13. so coincidental, i’ve also watched both those shows on the same day. i must say that i’m utterly impressed by IP man2 ‘s fighting sequence and cinematography style. you are really creative and funny by creating a mismash!

    Nice right.. I enjoyed the scenes a lot

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