I iz Happy

Jian Akiraceo Ofix 25 Comments

So glad that my senior is back from her holidays 😀

She even bought a arm-rest/ wrist-rest thingy for me from Vietnam.

Something for me to rest my hand when using the computer ^^

Very thoughtful of her since I spends a lot of times in front of the PC.

What’s more! It’s a freaky cute cat!! Wakakka *happy*

But instead of using it to rest my arm/wrist… I…

# On the side note:  Do check out the contest/award thingy on my sidebar if you haven’t ^^  #

Comments 25

  1. hahahaha too hilarious… u r too bloody creative in making use of something… very astonishing and impressive… i wonder jf i give you a stone, what can u do with it? XD

    Stone eh?
    Play with it? 😛

  2. You got internet in office liao?

    And have to register to vote le… 🙁

    No ler bro..
    They will never give it to us.. never!! T3T

    Hmm.. liddat kinda mafan 🙁

  3. ROFL! XD She was trying to be thoughtful during the time you’ve got to work but instead you used it for a pillow! Classic! Hahhahaa. Honestly? When I first saw the size of it and how soft it looked… I thought the same thing before finish reading the whole post! XD Hahahaha. I pity her.

    It’s really very soft hahaha XD

  4. Why are you so cute. TxT I read this post almost four times and I swear I’ll never get tired of it! Buaaw. Lol.

    Oh Nuuu! Iz your bosss! Wake up miao! 😀

    Thank you for reading so many time ^^

  5. sooo kawaiiiiii~~ XD

    *…..staring at the wrist-rest….

    look like u… only that it’s blue lol =P

    Hahaha yealo XD

  6. ur blog are really fun!!i was so the super duper extremely bored n my fren gave ur blog link to me made me see see and read read and laugh till drop lungs!!!thank you!! ^^

    Thank you for liking it ^^

  7. hehe…so cute the wrist-rest…it must be very soft and comfortable resting ur hand there….
    been reading ur blog for almost a year but now only have the urge to comment…hehe…
    keep up the good work k? >.<

    Super Duper whooper burger soft!!! hahaha

  8. did u really sleep on that soft cute wrist-rest with all u “air liur” droppin onto it…. dash!!!!

    Hahaha no lar 😛
    but it was really soft

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