Comments 14

  1. mayb they started to have more sense of humor bcoz read ur blog too much dy ^^

    Nope.. they don’t know my blog 😀

  2. ROFL
    sure brings smile to my face
    d joke was very tru…and very funny as well…
    i oso feel like wanna die with my tons of workloads to finish before the new year

    nvm christmas is near 😀

  3. at my place the higher the rank the funnier and playful they become it`s a way we release stress XD (on rare occasion we would play prank at each another like the missing of importent paper work 😀 )

    woahhh that’s sounds fun..
    the colleague of mine is a manager too 😛

  4. it’s nice to have this kinda colleague, always liven up the workplace.. guess you neva had a boring day at work then huh? ^^

    well its still boring lor.. 😛

  5. LOL.. maybe your colleagues are in the holiday mood right now.. hehe..
    mind and brain is not with work anymore. 🙂

    Hahaha all blur d

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