Comments 21

  1. I saw Miao’s update via FB then straight away rushed to your blog to see Mrs. Miao! *dissapointed*

    then you will be disappointed for a long time XD

  2. meow? I thought you were with this girl you held hands with in the club… or did something happen while I wasn’t reading…..

    Ehh no wor.. my posts are really very misleading wahah i like XD

  3. Gawd…
    I thot i will see miaowie (as in gurl version of miao)
    or maybe some other people can see a girl wif you?


    Jeng Jeng!!!! that’s creepy!

  4. Dude…what’s so wrong with dating? i just know that we r same age and I think now is the right time to get into relationship

    No time. No money. ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. Hahaha why is your banner still Christmas! Lazy cat!!!

    And groundless rumours are funny if we think back, but quite HUH WTH when you hear Teeheeee

    Change d change d.. ๐Ÿ˜€

    hahah true lor

  6. Pingback: Miao Dating? ยซ Miao & WafuPafu Comic Blog | Cuteness Overdose! | Dating Blog

  7. Miao, i think got people steal your character and published them in their flyers. Did you sell your Miao Cat picture to a furniture shop in Selangor? Got copyright your graphics or not??

    Oh my. Well it’s a common practice for people nowadays to steal other’s work from goggle. T3T
    Btw, do you know the shop’s name?

  8. I have the flyer actually. T__T

    I just feel that it is not right. And i wondered if they curi ur character and artwork. So, i think i will email to u once i scanned them. Im about to go to sleep.. >_< soweee Miao!

    Its okay and thanks a lot! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. To be honest with you when I first saw Pafu, I actually thought he was. a girl! So yes Wafu, Pafu looks a bit female XD

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