Virus is Everywhere

Jian Akiraceo Rant 18 Comments

Lately, there’s a lot of people in my office is getting sick. Every day, you can hear people taking their turns to cough and sneeze. If you listen carefully, it sounds likeΒ orchestra at some point.Β LOL. A scary orchestra.

With Chinese New Year is coming and all those Kuching food is waiting for me to eat them XD, I really don’t bear to get sick, not even a single bit. And since those who are sick didn’t wear any mask, so I ended up wearing one instead. =.=

Anyway, take care guys. πŸ™‚

Comments 18

  1. Hahaha!! Last picha is hilarious lol… hope your office mates will see this post and just go back rest! XD

    Hahaha no one knows my blog.

  2. NO WORRIES!!! juts increase oranges and lemons and grape fruits in your diet!! annd if you can get chile (pepper but the one that is ho ans spicy) the better… chachaaan!!! healthy and shining!!!

    ooo okay πŸ˜€

  3. I have a question….you wear mask but your ears is on the top…the string of mask should go up….your side got nothing to hold the string…. hahaha

    I have the head.. the string tied over the head πŸ˜€

  4. good post!

    truth be told, i’m actually one of the few sick people in my office.. hehe!
    and honestly, i wanna go home too… but not sick enuf to get MC lar… haha
    and dont wanna waste my annual leave for some slight kof & flu..
    i think that’s the case for most of us πŸ˜› hehe!

    anyway… GOOD JOB!
    love reading things that i can actually relate to!

    Hahah i see i see..
    but still you can wear a mask πŸ˜€

    and get well soon k πŸ™‚

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