Comments 24

  1. Thanks ah miao…..I straight away show my mom this post!!! ^^

    Lol XD
    what’s her response?

  2. yay~ appearance of mamamiao and sistermiao..

    you call all generation mimi arr? XD XD

    Yea.. beside the fouth generation is Kitty..
    fifth generation is Pinky, Twinky, Milky and Winky XD

  3. Aww I loved this post!

    Mother's day is everyday in my household, so there was no need to tell my mum happy mother's day. But it is nice to remind her of how much she means to me 🙂

    Awwww…. 🙂

  4. you look more like pointing middle finger to your mom instead of saying i love you

    the way i present it eh? XD

  5. just a wild guess… u illustrate ur mom and sisters based on their zodiacs? lol …mums are the best ^^

    haha my mom is not from the rabbit year 😛

  6. Your mum is born in the year off rabbit and sisters in the year of monkey and horse. Let’s guess their age! Haha… Will your sis kill you if they know you sort of reveal their age?

    nope my mom is not from the year of rabbit XD

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