Was so unhappy when I heard bout the news of this pet boarding centre, PETKNODE mistreated the customers pets by leaving them behind cage without food and drinks for 9 days.
The poor animals suffered from extreme dehydration, starvation, covered with their own poo and some even passed away from hunger. 🙁 This happened when the pet centre took more animals than they can handle and decided to left them behind. @@
The pet centre owners did not even shows any remorse and threaten to sue those owners who broke into the centre to save their pets for trespassing. WTM!
For more detailed stories, here (google search result XD)
Comments 16
Argh, how come anyone be so heartless? Hope Karma bite their ass! Err dun destroy Malaysia at the same time . (lol at in between 6 – 7th panel)
yeahh hope karma bites them!
dont worry…everything will come with karma…sure the owner of petknode will eventually get a bad karma….
oh no….if you bomb the earth then you are no different from the owner of petknode… @_@
eekk.. true true. T^T
Damn angry when I read about this too! Poor animals 🙁
kesian sia right
omg wtffff they will have karma!!!
sue them back for mistreating animals, intentionally causing death.. *whatever fancy term lawyer use*
the law here is weak 🙁
One question…maybe Im a noob did not know about this…what is WTM?
What the meow 😀
i replacing all foul words to other words like meow, frog..
curse the owner to hell… !!!!!!!
damn piss off @ dis type of ppl. >:(
hate those who nvr appreciate life
yeah~piss off tat owner!!!pity the animals starving for 7 days n pass away….T.T
Btw,do you know other abandon pet news bout the owner went 4 vacation & abandon his dogs for 2 weeks w/o food n water, when he came back home…he was killed(eaten by his own pet cause of starving).
O.o wahhhh
no wor.. i just know
“This happened when the pet centre took more animals than they can handle and decided to left them behind.”
Is it “CANT?”
Btw, to those who got facebook, join this page
and this is the fucker’s face
Miao, attach his face on that VOODOO please
ya, they took more than they can handle..
means they can handle five but took 10.. etc
ya…i noted bout this case too…so heart broken…T_T *curse them*
sad :((
Miao you ride Nyan-rocket?
yah so sad, they’re so annoying why they even do that. . .
poor those pets >Aw<
and their doings just proves that Malaysia have a lot of pet lovers. . .
its a nyan spaceship
No Tar Siu Yan ah!
my canto not that good..
its hit small people right?
Put him behind bar with no food and drink for 9 days!!!
WTM!!! Hahaha. Will use this to replace vulgar words whenever needed. Hahaha
hehehe 😀
poor pets… and poor owner of pets… uhuhu juz when they think their pets will be alrite after cuti raya… the next thing they know it died… huhuhuhu pets dont come cheep u know >.< what are they thinking??? pets = animals = stuff / toys???? *TuuuuUUUTTTT*
super duper sad 🙁
they are not thinking
dont curse. let karma do the job 🙂
hahaha yes sir!
We need death note here to kill the owner petknote