Miao at 100%Gempak Starz 2011

Jian Akiraceo Event 17 Comments

Warning: Heavy photos ahead. 

Anyone here read local comics?? Please raise up your paw 😀

Two weeks ago, I was asked to cover for the 100% Gempak Starz (previously known as Malaysia Comic Carnival). It was a 3 days event from 26th – 28th November 2011 with lots of activities for the comic fans.

100% Creative Fever Multimedia Competition

There was an artwork display from the finalists of 100% Creative Fever Multimedia Competition where contestant need to come up with their own version of animation/application/merchandise  ideas etc based on Gempak’s comics.

Here are some of the entries.

I like this!! so cuteee! 😀

Talented bunch! ^^

The Store

They were also selling all the Gempak comics and comic novels there with complete editions 😀

Luckily they did as I managed to buy one to complete my Lawak Kampus (Kuso High School) collection.

I’m a big fan of this comic. Support local comic~~ XD

There’s a lot of people buying and I was given a number to wait for my turn.

While waiting for them to call my number, I walked around the area..

and got caught by this sweet promoter.

They were promoting this Chinese online game (which I forgot the name of) and telling how awesome and popular the game is etc.

I felt bad for them for wasting their energy and time in pursuing me as I don’t play Chinese language games and I already quit online gaming since the birth of Miao&WafuPafu. XD (err.. i quit a lot of stuffs for Miao&WafuPafu LOL)

Nevertheless, thanks to them for their time and to kill mine while waiting for my call. XD

Soon after that I went to redeem my comic book, I took a photo of the rest of the promoters on my way out.


After I took my book. I walked into this section of  awesomeness!!

A section of  special customized booth by our local comic artist!! Darn, they are so creative!!

Check out this Onsen styled booth. One of the most popular there. 😀

that comes with a peeking hole. Many people was lining up just to have a peek.

Don’t ask me what I saw in there. *cover face XD*

Button. by Nishiki, Kin, Dark & Crowx

Ode of the Comic Artist. by Fakhrul Anour

See You there by Redcode

The first thing comes to mind: Fullhouse!! XD hahaha

Ingration. by Puyuh


Pit Stop. by Puppeteer

Ever Elite. by Zint!

This Is Where It Begins. by Little, Verzill, Veon & Wilson

The artist here is Wilson who was once an engineer and now he draws rabbit. 😀

Rose Garden Maiden’s Tea Party by Neko, Estheryu, Niku-Niku, Peony

The clothes on the wall is exchangeable :D. Oh, This is Neko.

And this is Peony!!

Kuma Food Market. by Kaoru

Extremely Torture Chamber. by Jo

Keith Rhapsody. by Keith

My idol!! 😀 The comic artist for Lawak Kampus (Kuso High School)

 Autograph Session

There were a couple of autograph session and each session three comic artists will sign for the fans.

Check out the queue @@.

Hopefully, one day I also have a chance of having my own comic autograph session and there’s actually people and cats attending it. Oh wait, I need to come out with my own book before that. @@

The autograph session was long as the comic artists didn’t just sign the comics but..

draw on them!!!

GARGHH!! Y I NO bring my comics!!

While Neko, Jo and Keith was signing on the stage, the rest was interviewed at the booth.


 There was also a cosplay competition held on that day. Some of the cosplayers were good!

Every time I saw people cosplaying, it reminds me of the very first cosplayer friends I had and met in Hong Kong. I miss them and Hong Kong too T_T

Opening Speech

After that, Fakhrul Anour, the editor of Gempak gave an opening speech on the event, Gempak and also local comic industry.

And ended with a group photo of the comic artists from Art Square Group.

Oh, do support our local comic artist 😀 They’re really good!!  Too bad I wasn’t able to have some talks and interviews with the comic artists as I was kinda short of time. I having a short meetup with the other comic bloggers later that. 😀

It was a funny moment where the professionals comic artist at one side and us, the amateurs just right opposite at the KFC and some of us dreamed to be a comic artists. XD

Anyway, that ends my cover of the event. Hope I get the chance to attend the event again.

Oh before I go, have a Great Caturday night all!!!


Comments 17

  1. my first comment yayay!!! i do read Gempak magazine…. i am really fond of local comics especially Ben, Kaoru and Keith’s… Puyuh is also good to creating horror environment although i am not die-hard fan…hehehe Ben’s Fatal Chaos, Kaoru’s Helios Eclipse and Keith’s Lawak Kampus – i did collect all o^.^o

    Puyuh horror art is good~~ 😀
    I never read Ben’s before.. should check it out..

  2. oh i read local comics also leh…actually was introduced by bf la…we got lots of it…from ghost to funny ones such as lawak kampus, shabu shabu, under 18, pop gang, kijiya, utopis high, and my another fav is grave which is about mutan and vampire…argghhh…so envy you got to see them and get their signature…they did come to penang but i’m away from penang and having my final exam…so unfair… every time interesting things or events happen when i’m not around…shyt you*refer to meT_T*

    have to wait for next time then.. 🙁

  3. Ooh, I didn’t know about Gempak Starz event… 🙁 Didn’t manage to go…

    But! There’s Comic Fiesta this 17th and 18th December!! Will Jian-sama be coming?? 😀

    There’s another one next year~~ 😀
    Oh, i can’t. Next year I might be there tho 🙂

  4. i so curious what u saw in the peeking hole XXXXXD, share it please

    Ngek ngek ngek~~
    what will you see if you peek at an Onsen 😛

  5. Awesome! now I know who is Keith, Kaoru and Zint. Yeay!

    I think you saw your artwork was published there, right? ^_^
    if it is true… congrats miao!

    Impossible~~ but if its true i will happy and faint

  6. I was there on Nov28 and my favourite artist is Kaoru. If you ever come up with a book I will definitely buy it and I will attend your autograph session!

    Omg thanks ^^

  7. Omg omg!! You must definitely read Ben’s comics!!! He’s the artist for first 4 (i think) books of Fatal Chaos, the oh-so-famous comic; Fishes, Naive and Innocent. & also Le Gardenie.
    Sad news is he resigned already i dunno where he went. T______T
    They said he went to Japan ):

    Must buy and read!
    Japan? that;s good for a mangaka 😀

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