Miao and the Parking Slot Hunt

Jian Akiraceo Outdoor 39 Comments

Anyone experienced this?

Paw….down… if you do




Wafu: Buat malu saja (This is embarassing.)

Miao: Don’t leave me here!!


Small announcement:

Guys, do check out this Calendar from Furry Friends Farm. It comes with many awesome photos of cats and dogs taken by a Malaysia well known photographer,  Steven Goh.  The earnings from the calendars will be given to the our furry friends cats and dogs at Furry Friends Farm.

As for the collaborative calendar, thanks to those who booked. The calendars will arrived my place tomorrow, I will send them out on Friday. Do check your emails, if you yet confirm me your address. By the way, the C.O.D will be in Melaka. 🙂


Comments 39

  1. *paws down*

    It happens all the time! That’s why everytime I see what looks like a parking slot I don’t raise my hopes up!

    nowadays i will keep saying there’s a car, there’s a car.. before i drive nearer

  2. yeah me too….saw “fake empty” ended up being disappointed T3T i dont like to go around the parking area just to look for a empty slot

    Tiring right~

  3. kancil, kelisa, myvi, viva, swift and alto…all those vehicle should be in hell, doomed to find parking spaces for eternity…FOR ETERNITY I TELL YOU!!!


    wahh jangan, i hv a viva and kelisa at home 😛

  4. Am i the only one who doesn’t like cars? 🙁

    No you’re the only one but sadly we do not have public transport here in the city i lived in.. beside taxis

  5. always! hahahahah xx

    also, did you “reuse” your comic? the beginning is familiar 😛

    You have good memories!!
    I reuse the cat with the car but added WafuPafu and edited the car in the background 😛

  6. yup…experienced, will scold kau kau the kancil, why parked so inside @#$%^!@#

    they afraid their car’s backside kena langgar

  7. Many times…..usually Kancil/Kelisa I can see….but those smart two…haiya…..really deceving. sometimes tempted to double park it!

    Unless you also a Kancil/Kelisa then can double park XD

  8. haha yya.. i used to be trick by that.. but then i now when i look at the parking lot… i always look if got any shadow on that parking lot… if got… then there’s a car there… if the floor dont have shadow.. then juz go and put the signal on. XD

    Fuuu got technique 1!! must copy down!

  9. Yeah, it’s happened to me too! Usually Kancil or Kelisa…they shouldn’t park so far in… -_-

    Yealo T3T not like anyone gonna bump their butt

  10. smart car even more irritating, sometimes feel like parking behind it, looks like i can fit… hahahaha

    It’s like telling you “come park behind me” hahaha XD

  11. I’ve seen this on 9gag… Meow, is that you? O_o

    hahaha nope XD
    I hv many posts gonna crash with those at 9gag 🙁

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