WTM!! KO in less than a minute. =.=
Went to my sister’s house the other day and my not-so-little nephew asked me to play a video game with him.Β At first, I pretended that I don’t know how to play and planned to give him a good beating in the game but turned out he was very good and I didn’t manage to win a single game. =.=||
Kids… they grow up and taking over us so fast.Β Luckily I did not boast around before the game else I don’t know how to put my face after all these losses.
Ayou: Uncle, you’re so lousy. hahaha
Miao: Shuddup. =.=
Comments 23
Yeah, you are giving in to little children mah!! :looks away: I always thought naruto is button mashing game
hahaha not entirely smashing π
Bro, I can feel u…… The ultimate shame….. =_=”
T3T indeed..
your nephew is so cool XD
hahaha not bad lor XD
HAHAHA, that’s lame pal…
but i went through that too u_u
hahahha *pat on the shoulder*
Should’ve reminded him games aren’t only the important thing. π
hahaha i didn’t tell him that but i did teach him to play cashflow 101 XD
what is asset, liabilities etc LOL
Hahaha.. Similar thing happened on me too during CNY :p
You play console one too meh?
“u are too old to fight, old man! hahaha”
tpical quote heard in kung fu movies
hahaha but usually the old man beat the young man up after that
u dunno meh, now kids play Iphone + Ipad when oni 3 years old.. I don’t even have an iphone or Ipad.. >”<
Yealo Time have changed..
I bet they don’t know what is kite, hide and seek etc
aaaa…i still can remember i did KO my uncle when i very little time XD
you’re like my nephew when you’re little XD
on which console?
Kids these days are very smart leh. Don’t play play…
very lor.. they know those youtube stuffs like age 3 @@
kids these days… =.=
ya, these days they knows those electronic stuffs well ^^”
u can beat him in real world. just joking π
Bwahahaha with real fireball jutsu XD
Hahahahah…. pwned!
T3T huhuhu
Lol! Ur nephew is so cute and good at games!
My sister always say he’s like me XD
coz when i was small I like games too
your nephew is a sheep?????
how come you keep losing to a small kid!!! ==”
its time to sharpen your knife XD
He kept on spamming the ulti (power always charged)
T3T I can’t even get my character standing
Haha…yeah, luckily you said you didn’t know how to play!
yeala.. saving a bit of my face XD
cute lil nephew is mek mek(goat) o???
Yep π hehehe
This new character is cute ^^ with the headgear. Pawn Uncle mio kau kau eh ? puahahaha.
Thanks π hehehe
I feel you… T3T
infinity KO… aiks…
T3T huhuh
I sux at games too XD
Somehow I felt my skill decreased ever since I grow up… Orz…
same here T3T
AHHAHAH!!!! I envision that to happen when my baby nephew grows up T^T
brace yourself and prepare for it..
Y U NO WIN Uncle Miao.. hahahhahaha
Uncle miao old already T3T
LOOOOOOOL I can tell that chu r playing Naruto XD well i suck at tat game too π
hahaha the fire jutsu XD
I was KOed by that