P/S: The answers for Find-the-Ninja-Cats is out. Do check out my previous post. HERE 😀
I went shopping the other day looking for a blue shirt but ended empty handed. I couldn’t find something that is not checkered Seriously, checkered style shirt is every where. I admit I kinda like checkered shirt at first but now no longer. Everyone is wearing them. :/ Too mainstream already. XD
WafuPafu did found one that is not checkered but…
I just refused to wear it.
In the end, I went to the party with a blue sweater.
Sometimes, I do feel like design my own shirt and wear hahaha XD
What to do when every shop sells the similar style of clothes. :/
On the side note, someone shared this to me.. it seems like to be a trailer for something..
so sharing here..
Comments 24
Wafupafu design one quickly. Will definitely get a specially designed shirt from you.
I actually have one pre-official design.
and now wearing it XD lol
yala.. nowadays so many guys wear checkered shirt..
i also duwan wear mine already! LOL
exactly too many adi.
Wear something different 😛
You already did the calendar.
Why not design the shirts in the future?
Fans will surely buy
Need to design one non-fan also like XD
I don’t own a checkered shirt. 😐
That’s a good thing 😀
u can wear smock.. that one for production line one.. I’m sure there’s a blue color one..
hahah i have smock but its white
Haha, a friend of mine loves boys who wear those shirts, i don’t like them either, i don’t like shirts at all haha, i rather t-shirts, and even so, it’s hard to find a decent t-shirt that doesn’t have a surfer or street art design on it… sometimes even a flat color would be fine i think xD
Design your own 1 😀
Let the squirrel out!! XD
i want wafupafu tshirt too..
hahah everyone wants wafupafu XD
I am checkered shirt loverand I dont wear it now, because checkered shirt is too mainstream! 😀
Yes too mainstream!! now need to find something else
wow, sounds good to wear ur own design XD, nobody going to “clash”, and u will be the unique XXXD
Yealo XD If ppl ask, can say design myself XD hahaha
I saw t shirt with wafu and pafu characters at pasar malam. lol!
Really? O_o
Hurry and make the meow and wafu pafu shirt! I want it asap!
I’m wearing one now LOL
Should wear the Doraemon outfit!! hahaha! Xd ~ me love Doraemon!
hahaha don’t want! bluek 😛
I really like to wear checkered shirts !!
It’s not because everyone wear it but I really like it.
(I don’t know it is so mainstream now cos I’m living in a small town Ipoh haha)
Very mainstream.. it’s like everywhere already :/
wonder if it is nuffnang 5th years old bday party? i was there too, too bad cant get to know u.
It is!! 😀
aww too bad 🙁
yes~i saw a video of you with other bloggers..u wore checkered shirt also..hehe..~nowadays everybody goes with checkered outfit and everybody looks same~~gotta change the taste of design..how bout floral design?hahaha..~sweet~~~~~~
I bought it before it got mainstream XD
now i think i go to T-shirt XD
miao t-shirt!
Yep! 😀
I wish we could find all kinds of fashions being sold at any time…if they only sell the current “hot” fashion, we are all forced to buy it. 🙁
You could design your own Miao and WafuPafu t-shirts! Make them in all colours, then you will always have one for any theme 😉 But I’m not sure whether it would be weird to see your face on someone’s shirt >:D
hahaha that’s why it’s good to have an animal character XD it’s not that awkward
doreamon shirt? ..XD
hahaha yep XD
oh wait maybe it’s Doraemon skin :/
Super cute blog you got here!!
Well thank you ^^
u and spinzer wore checkered shirts too when we met up that day LOL
And it gone mainstream after that hahahhahahaha
lol seriously? in brunei checkered shirt ish not famous.. but angry bird shirt is famous XDDDD
hahaha angry bird is everywhere! XD
Seriously, I want Miao’s T-shirt, with wafu pafu one!! U still owe me wafu pafu!!
Glad to see you again last week. *drag* please don’t go borneo la.
Hahaha one day I sure will release 🙂
I must go 🙁 Do come visit me!
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In the end, I think everyone wants to be able to design their own clothes and have EXACTLY their style instead of conforming to what every other society wears. I know I do. It’d be cool if you did do a line and call it, “Miao~ Lookin’ kitty-licious!” XD
hahahaha nice slogan I like 😀
uh hum uh hum ~ Everyone will be unique ^^