Announcement: I’m currently compiling the Different Kuching food and it’s Best location. Can you guys provide me the different Kuching food or the best stall/shop you prefer of? I shall go and try them and make a summary post for it. 😀
I went into the other movie which I could not remember what movie is that. XD. Then again, I need to go out often especially the cinema else I gonna went into the wrong cinema hall again.
Have you ever like went into the wrong venue before? I heard some people ever went in the wrong toilet, I wonder how that can happen.
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Comments 20
lucky for u.. if the seat is taken, then u have to double check the seat number.. that’s embarrassing.. hahahha
If there’s other people on the seat, i will notice it earlier T3T
lols… one time i went in to the wrong cinema n there was someone in the seat… i summore went n scold ppl told them it was my seat until they took out their ticket stubs n then onie i realised i was in the wrong cinema =.=
hahaha but at least you didn’t sat down and watch the wrong movie hehehe
No wor.. u no ajak XD
masuk wrong wedding hall before T_T
Wait what? O_O
Lucky it’s not your wedding then it would be more awkward
Luckily didn’t meet wrong girlfriend. *wink*
hahaha but no gf. 🙁
i went to the wrong toilet before…and a lots of time *shake head/close face* did not went to the wrong theater before but did watched my friend fall on the staircase in the cinema and couldn’t find her…until she walks up to me…
omg! how that happened?
too occupied looking at your phone? XD
Yealo, sometimes it tends to be too dark that I can see the stairs also
nope.. o.o.. never try that b4.. -_-
bcos i always went in early o.o…
so i walk in to the room like a boss all the time it was like we are owning the hold room~ when no was there but only me n my friend was the 1st one there XDD
hahahaha but we can’t do that over here. they just open the hall when they gonna show it.
Well, along SKJ Pending there is a kopitiam call “Seng Yong”(I think, coz I call it Seng Yong always), the Kampua, Mee Sua, Kolo Mee and the “sang yuk mee” very nice~
If you looking for some BBQ crab, Hijau at BDC has a stall which have probably the best bbq crab (that is if got crab la). The stall is 1st one once you reach frm the entrance (got boat “bai sui” at there). Open at 6pm, so don’t go there at afternoon.
For Philippines cuisine, can try Pinoy ikhaw-ikhaw @ pandungan there, for kinda Thai, you can try Asian Recipe @ 101 avenue (not really Thai, just kinda Thai, if you know what I mean), for Japanese, you can try……..well, basically any Japanese restaurant here in Kuching. For cheap and nice stir fry food at night, you can try “Yeow Kee” @ 101 avenue~
Woahhh thanks!! 😀 I will go try them ^^
Yeow Kee always full, can’t get the chance
Nope. Never went to a wrong cinema. Hope wont be, ever.
Sarawak’s food eh…I really like to try some since you like to talk about that.
But I’m afraid it’s not the real Sarawak’s food, like you’d mention before…
Where the best in KL?
Real one have to visit Sarawak 😛 but there’s some in KL/PJ area.
A friend told me there’s one in Pavilion food court. The Mee Kolok is approved. XD
Mee tomato so-so, Ayam Pansuh underseasoned.
It happened to me! My brother, his friends and I were to watch a movie titled “The Spirit”. But we got confused which cinema hall is which as the cinema hall number was between two different cinema hall. So we tried our luck and enter one cinema. And it so happened that the cinema hall that we entered wrongly was playing that movie. But then it played for like half an hour and the end.
We thought that it can’t be that short then we came out of the cinema hall and found out that mistakenly entered another cinema hall. The one we were supposed to go was already playing half way. So, we checked almost all the cinema hall to see what movie was playing. In the end we ended up watching “Australia”.
Woahhh O_O what an experience.
How’s Australia? I kinda enjoyed the movie
going in the wrong cinema is better than buying the wrong movie!! i bought this movie called ‘The Awakening’, thinking that it is ‘Underworld 4: Awakening’… watched until half way only my friends and i wondered y no vampires or werewolves appear yet? -_-” the movie don’t even show the title at the beginning… zzz… faints diao….
hahaha.. XD that one really GG. no choice to finish the whole movie.
What’s this awakening movie about? ghost?
go penrissen food court… four and a half mile everrise there. the china guy make nice ” you cha kueh ” beside you cha kueh he oso make his own noodles and cook them :you dont say: XD the noodles are really tasty. give it a try 🙂
Besides , try the laksa in ” ji xiang ” at green road there. its a shop-house.
hahaha okay. 😀 will go try them. kekeke
LOL yeah must stay !stay alert!! XD i still remember last week i just miss train, like twice TT and at the end no more train..have to take taxi or bus TT
oh mai, twice somemore O_O
better stay alert yoo
that’s why I always get into the hall early.. so I can check the hall number, seat and relax..and usha usha bontot awek when they trying to pass me to their seat.. XD koh koh koh
hahaha i like last min, reach, sit and watch XD
hahahaha ……never had such experience before
kuching famous food ?hmmm laksa and kolok mee0?
*cheap and awesome* !!! hmm green road xin lian cheng kolok mee?jin men (third mile roundabout)laksa?quan chun laksa?ayam penyet ?hmmmm…..what else hor ?
green road the best!!! 😀
where punya ayam penyet?
Funny..Hahahaha. Why didn’t notice that your friends aren’t around when you sat down ? Hahaha.
And i like the click box underneath this comment box …
” Confirm you are not robot,Autobots or Decepticons XD ”
Cat, check this blog if you have time. It’s cute too.
I watch online ^^” that’s why
LOL…you poor thing! I had a similar experience too. I ended in the cinema hall featuring Zombie movie. O_O
I was like…What is this? Too me a minute to realize i was in the wrong hall.
five! same case T3T just that your time shorter 😛
I like kolo mee at Kim Joo 73 Ewe Hai Street, Kuching. Tasty, clear soup with meat and bean sprouts, friendly fat guy, open 6.30am to 2pm, closed 1st and 15th of each month. The best “kuay chap” is at Yun Nan Yuan (Southern Cloud Garden) coffee shop at 182, Song Thian Cheok Road, Kuching, every morning except Mondays. And Lau Ya Keng, 23 Carpenter Street Kuching has fantastic, authentic kolo mee with black vinegar and Teochew dumplings every morning till 2.30pm, pork satay 12.30-2.30pm, excellent “kuay chap” and fish porridge from 5pm-9pm.
I like kolo mee at Kim Joo 73 Ewe Hai Street, Kuching. Tasty, clear soup with meat and bean sprouts, friendly fat guy, open 6.30am to 2pm, closed 1st and 15th of each month. The best “kuay chap” is at Yun Nan Yuan (Southern Cloud Garden) coffee shop at 182, Song Thian Cheok Road, Kuching (behind Secret Recipe), every morning except Mondays. And Lau Ya Keng, 23 Carpenter Street Kuching has fantastic, authentic kolo mee with black vinegar and Teochew dumplings every morning till 2.30pm, pork satay 12.30-2.30pm, excellent “kuay chap” and fish porridge from 5pm-9pm.
Whoops sorry for the duplicate posting. I’m IT cacat