Miao trying to know Girls.

Jian Akiraceo Announcement, Rant 35 Comments

Part 1 if you haven’t read. πŸ™‚

Last post, my age is in the way.

This time, my look is in the way.

Β ………………..

Oh, Thank You for the blessings and comments from the previous post. Unfortunately No One actually answered correctly.

And I’m Not 28 year old yet. T3TΒ I saw many people answer this, maybe because of the “the 28 million years”. It suppose to be the date Dinosaur extinct which I got it wrong, actual time is 65 million years ago.

And my Birthday Wish shall Remain as a SecretΒ since no one got it right. I have been wishing for this for almost 10 years, and it never happened. XD Anyway, I still gonna Give out the Case Randomly to the commentors.

I just used a random selector app from random.org and the winner goes to Daniel Ho from the 32th comment. Please drop a comment here if you see this.

Don’t worry, I might organize another contest in future. πŸ™‚

Comments 35

    1. Post
  1. Hah! No 1 answer ur age correctly ah==” aiyo! I thought really many ppl know so I didn comment that post. I think I know the answer coz ur ex-housemate told me b4 (the sarawak 1=p)

    Some did actually. heheh
    hoorrr that white pig bocor my secret. hahaha

  2. Oh wow… thanks Miao!
    And lol, the bunny’s lying dead there… pity.. haha…

    You’re welcome. I will contact you when it reached ^^
    May him RIP ahahah XD

  3. Who cares if you look younger? You cute. Me don’t mind having cute bf. hehehe. Aaaahhhh I missed your last post. I would have guessed you are 26. Somehow, I feel you are the same age as me. heh.

    oh ya!! you saw my pictar already. *shy*
    hohoho but i’m not 26 πŸ˜›

  4. Haha, so you have to look for a girl your age, who looks young too!
    Aiyo, your rabbit friend very kesian…

    hahhaah correcto XD
    my friends around me often kenak that XD

  5. lah~… you are younger then we though what~…haiya~

    your wish about “IT” for 10 years now??.. wow… what was it?
    buying a house~? , getting famous?? tell meh~ tell meh~~ :3

    not very young but just a bit πŸ˜› hehehe
    hahha cannot coz it’s embarrassing XD

  6. Ok you’re 24!
    oh, and by the way I became 22 this year, sometimes I kinda feel old haha

    Oh my, you’re so young!
    And I’m no longer 24 T3T

  7. Ok lo, here is a 36 yr old auntie commenting ~
    some great creativity there. Keep it up.

    P.S.: btw, 27 is stilllllll young. you will know what i mean when you are my age. wakahkahakaha.

    hehehe thank you πŸ™‚
    hahahaha, i can’t imagine how i gonna look like at that age. XD

  8. Hello Miao~ are you going to sell your Miao and Wafupafu iPhone case? because i really wanted one! And if you are selling it where can I get it? πŸ™‚

    I am ^^
    oh, it will be online but later might be able to get at certain stores i hope. hehe

  9. haha its ok~ i feel you~ cos i don’t look my age too~

    guys who are my age or older didn’t dare to approach me because i look too young, and its the guys younger than me approaching me and backed off once i said i’m older ( ;____;)

    even until now, i make all my friends feel older then they really are cos.. i don’t look my age OTL

    Same scenario T3T
    Don’t worry, it’s a bonus for girls in later years πŸ˜€

  10. Haha… First the age and now the looks…
    Well if u dun want the twink look u haf now, then u can try goto a gym to workout and start getting some toned muscles…
    Tat will make u upgraded to a hot uncle miao look .. And it will help miao court some girls… ;D

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