Yes. It’s now a must bring item to the toilet. XP
It’s so boring during “chocolate cake business”. I used to bring books but they always ended up wet. ><
The other day, I really forgot to bring my smartphone. And I called out for my sister. Initially, she thought I’m asking for toilet papers. XD but when I said I want my phone. She ignored me. =.= Stupid sister. Hmph!
Then again, her response is better than Pafu as he…
huhuhu…Pafu is a bad hamster…huhu
Comments 28
haha i dont need to bring anything during my chocolate cake business. i just sh*t and go.
LOL your shit usually very fast 1 eh?
haha!! I need my phone even showering because I can listen to music~
Sometimes if during business hour, you spend longer time in there because you are playing with phone =D *me did* LOL!
hahah sometimes too focus and forgot to poo lol
I am also the kind of person that need to bring a book to read >.<
boring right if no book
LOL so how long on avg you spend inside wor??
hahah i seldom go but once i go very long hahaha
..okay maybe that was a rude qn…sorry! cause if i bring smartphone in, don’t need to come out dy. haha
LOL ended up playing games eh?
LOL!! nanti smart phone swimming in the chocolate cake paradise~XD
OMG the horror!
Oh my!!! we got same attitude!! >.< no lights off please…I'm Scared… LOL!!!
u scared of dark?
HAHAHA! sometimes i got bored showering, i start to read every single product in the shower room.
Wait how can you bored when showering?
Shower gt free time meh?
i’m not the only one! hahahaha!
my friends always give me the bizarre look when they know that i read while poo-ing =.=
Why? Toilet is the best place to read XD
LOL @ reading product info! xD
😛 hehehe
LOL shampoo product pulak!!
Bad part is half of the words are in Thai T3T
Hahaha…my mother doesn’t approve of bringing anything in during chocolate cake business. I didn’t even know that people did that until I was older.
But when I am brushing my teeth, I will read the labels on the bottles above the sink…just because they are there. Haha…
gosh why? afraid you drop them?
Um…not sure. Maybe just because it is a “dirty” place.
ouuu.. ya that’s true.
o.o… later u drop ur smartphone on ur popo~… e.e… eeeww~….
touchwood. XD
That would be a nightmare
Haha, nothing to read so read the shampoo info? LOL!
Abo very sien weii
What if your smartphone falls to the chocolate cake??!! Nah.
Touchwood weii hahaha
i always be very careful
Lol shampoo info. So u got read the soap label too? 😛
Nope coz soap mana ada packaging. dah buang
wahahahhahahaha bored until read shampoo info ah you!! ;p
Yealo :3
yup.. must bring along gadget whenever doing my business there…if can’t get any signal, i can always listening to music XD
Indeed!! 😀
u finished chocolate cake business but still sits there a while to continue playing with ur smartphone right? =x
hahahahah how you know??!
hahhaha… i aso do the same thing… if at home usually i will bring a book cos my aunt is quite anal abt keeping the toilet floor dry… but if at work i bring my phone in… i think my bosses knw when im gonna go take a dump cos if jz wee wee i dun bring anything… hahahahaha… n cos im sooooooooo open minded… sometimes if my frens whatapps me, i’ll reply them n tell them im taking a dump… wahahahahaha…. 😛
Toilet dry is good but my home 1 always wet :/
hahah whatsapp is okay but weird when ppl call u when doing it XD
Chocolate cake business? Yah, you!
I never bring anything to take care business.
Usually I will just talk to myself or to my imaginary friend.
Imaginary friend!! intro to me 😛
LOL! That shampoo info! Sounds so familiar~ :p
hahah you do it too?
Aahh… yes. I am reliant on my smartphone for entertainment too. On days I forgot, I create stories in my head and act it out. Muted of course. >_<
hahaha i do that too sometimes 😀
like living in our own world.
Please explain me about chocolate cake business.
Hmm making cake? XD
coz that’s what they always call it.
I wonder how many meow comic plots were born when u were doing ur biz there 😛
hahaha couple XD
So bored until read shampoo info??? Hahaha. Plus I wonder why youre calling Pafu not Wafu or both.
Pafu doesn’t care and will never help me T3T
omg I thought I’m the only one !!!
so bored kan..if didn’t bring XD