April 25th is my Paw5 Anniversary…

Jian Akiraceo Announcement 28 Comments

..and today is 30th of December… =.=

LOL!!! This is a super late anniversary post!! Β I have been so busy since April @@. (more on that on my coming 2012 recall post if i manage to complete it XD)

I planned to post this up during my online store opening ceremony but didn’t manage to get it on time. So decided to post this post anyway.


Below are the artworks I ask the comic bloggers to did for me for my 5th anniversary and online store.

Do have a look. πŸ™‚

from Robin. (http://burungrobin.blogspot.com/)

from Fanikun (http://www.fanikatun.com/)

ComicsForEveryone (http://www.facebook.com/ComicsForEveryone)

Sharkox (http://www.thesharkox.com/)

Bulat (http://www.imbulat.blogspot.com/)

Bolehland (http://www.bolehland.net/)

Eric (http://ericleeh.com/)

the Bros (http://dontlikethatbro.blogspot.com/)

Chingy (http://cheechingy.com/)

Eggyolk (http://theeggyolks.blogspot.com/)

BlackSesame (http://blacksesame19.blogspot.com/)

World of Cos (https://www.fb/WorldOfCos)

KendyLife (http://kendylife.blogspot.com/)

RED (Β http://www.ohiseered.com/) (new site:Β http://www.redhongyi.com/)


Can’t believe I have been blogging for 5 years.. Paw5 years !!!!!Β Almost 6 years actually since April 25th is not far away. hahaha… ha..ha *feels old*. You can check out my old anniversary posts ( Β 2nd year,Β 3rd year, 4th year ). You can ever see the first miao designs from these posts.


Oh btw, out of all the artworks, which one do you like? πŸ˜€

Comments 28

  1. Waw! Happy 5th anniversary Miao! You’re the cat! πŸ˜€ Long live and many good things will come to you in the upcoming years. Banzai!

    I love Ernest the bro version the most. πŸ™‚

    Thanks Bear!!

  2. Love the one from dontlikethatbro.blogspot.com This is the first time visiting your blog, and I’m agreeing with the Bros, you really look like a female!

    hahaha drawing too cute for a guy ^^”

  3. Happy 5th Miaoversary to you~

    I like Ernest the most and I like Fanikatun drawing and thesharkox makes you like the orgy and the cockroaches look…(if you got watch the cartoon…)=D

    got got. my favorite cartoon ler

  4. only started to follow your blog last year but am gonna continueeeeee as long you still blog! =D happy 5th anniversary miao!!

    thank youuuu Kay!!

  5. hey the no2 picture is damn cute..miao so fat n fluffy~!!..
    the 8th is funniest..lol

    hahah fat and meaty more XD

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