The Last Post. This is the End. Good Bye.

Jian Akiraceo Announcement 45 Comments

If you have been following my tweeter or FB.. I have been quite emo lately…

because I’m closing down Miao&WafuPafu…

Here’s the last post..

I shall see you guys if we have any fate.. :’)

The below are just some final words, I would like to say.. πŸ™








Bahahahaha!! Β I’m sorry for those who fall for this prank.


Honestly, I love drawing and also WafuPafu, so they will still be around. ^^

But still, do continue to support us BIG BIG πŸ™‚ And actions speak more motivation than words, and actions like below are super duper whooper burger welcomed andΒ appreciated!.

– Comment all the way

– “Like” the post and “like” our page, Β (HERE)

– Share our blog to your friends,

– Check out our product, if it doesn’t suit you. Use a gun to force your friends Β to check out our products instead. Β ( CLICK )

Hahaha.. Please help to spread Miao&WafuPafu around T^T. Pretty please… Thank youu so much.

And by godly luck, hopefully one day, I can see a little girl hugging Wafupafu plushie on the street. *dreaming* Then I can rest in peace.


Oh, A Happy April Fool’s Day to all!!

P/S: The photo is not me. I lend my friend’s photo. XD He so gonna kill me.

Then again, I could be lying. I could be not too. It’s 1st of April. It’s hard to believe anything. πŸ˜›



Oh for those who follows me on Instagram, I’m not making IC for my daughter because obviously I’m not married. (For those who don’t understand what is this about, I did a prank by saying that I’m doing an IC for my daughter where actually I’m the one renewing my IC)

Comments 45

  1. I remember your older posts saying you look quite ‘young’, but when I saw the pic I was like “No way! He looks so his age (“old”) D: This must be a prank!”

    And I’m glad it is XD Nice one!

    haha you have no idea how much he aged over this year.

  2. Glad this was just an April fool’s joke, but I’m gonna have to shoot you now for pulling such a prank. *loads shotgun*

    How i wish it wasn’t a joke hahhaha

  3. Wahhh! How could you!
    I really thought you would stop drawing and blogging.
    Aish, what a prank.
    Really, you shouldn’t say something like that since we all love your works so much. Bad, bad Miao!
    But since it’s April Fool, I forgive you just this time.

    Thank you for the forgiveness hehe

  4. Not you my foot!
    But seriously, it’s rather transparent when the fooling falls on April Fools.
    Anyone who knows the date should realize it. lol.

    oh, and talking about marriage and daughter…. u reminded me of our age. damn you.

    btw, your link to your fb page doesn’t work.

    memang not your foot. XD

  5. LOL! when i saw the title of tis blog post i already know it’s an april fool prank! πŸ˜› tho it would b very sad if its real lo…. hehe… u do look ur age la… πŸ™‚

    aiks, if one day really quit, no one believe, howw

  6. hahhaaaaaa……..never cross my mind the look of the person behind this famous blog πŸ™‚ until u post ur photo! u look serious! but this post is not, right! hahahaaaa……..keep on writing!

    thanks, i shall try

  7. Hahaha…somehow I knew it was an April Fool’s joke the moment I saw the title… Maybe because I’ve seen this kind of prank on another blog before πŸ˜› But it was still so sad… *sniff sniff*

    PS: You should have put a girl’s photo πŸ˜›

    my female friends will kill me

  8. *Stares at photo*
    *Tries to find Hong Kong photo to compare*
    *Realise of all my 100+ photo there is no clear shot of your face*
    NINJA MIAO?!?!?!
    *Actually, realise I didn’t take much photo of humans at all…. OTL*

    hahaha i dont like taking photos XD of coz u hv no pic

  9. miao. i hate youuuuuu…
    ishhh, kena trap!

    Thank you for hating me.
    Hatred and sadness makes one remember them XD

  10. I know it’s hard to be a cartoonist but…but…*cries*

    OMGSAFBSAIOF I…I…I…I got pranked? =m=

    I really like your drawing, no lie. I have been a secret follower to your blog for 4 years so I seriously hope you don’t ever shut this site down because it gives me many sweet memories…..
    *sniffs sniffs*

    No easy indeed. T3T to be a cartoonist.

  11. fail to fool me even though i read it after april fool coz you just started your small business tak kan so fast wannna let it go and with so many orders as well and after all the hard decisions and work…nah…but good post. XD

    I don’t know what to say

  12. Choi! I know its an April Fool when I read it. (I know. Its been 3 days already after April Fool! Busy bah!). I was like, there was no way you could quit when your at the top. I mean, a lot of people loves your blog, and you got nominated so more. Apa lah! No Doubt, Tipu punyai!

    And the picture….

    Hmm, when I first saw it (before you mention it was your buddy picture). Hmm, I had imagine Miao being more skinnier and less buff. No offense… XD ….then again, I could be wrong… XD

    Not at the top yet. Now in the valley trying to climb out from the hole.

  13. I’m going to kill you if you do that again! >8
    No one can beat your cuteness TT A TT Keep moving with your lovely site >3

    T3T thank you
    hopefully, it’s not easy

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