I have been listening to Thai songs for quite sometime (ever since my last trip to Thailand which is like a year ago).
Some of my friends even my sister condemned me about don’t understand what they are singing about, then again they are listening to Korean songs and they also don’t understand Korean too.
Sweat lor..
Honestly, Kpop too mainstream adi. Do give Thai songs a try. XD
Some can be a jazzy like..
or a little more Pop like..
And some comes with emo MVs.. XD
Just stay away from Kpop looking or sounding Tpop. XD If you wanna listen to those, might as well just stick to Kpop. 😛
Many people have been saying “No” to me straight…without ever give it a try. 😐
So now I have another approach.. XD
by force. Hahahahaha
Oh you can just youtube for Thailand Songs Playlist 2013 for some good songs. Most MVs/Songs with million views and above are not bad. Just check the view counts and you won’t be wrong. Those 40+ mil, 20+, 10+ mil plus views are usually top songs. hahah..
Oh here’s a playlist for you I found on youtube, if you’re lazy, you can check it out. Click click>>Thai Song Youtube Playlist.
Oh wait, do you guys listen to songs you don’t understand the language?
Comments 53
hahaha miao force me next time XD
Yup. Thai song is nice. My fav will be Da Endorphine! I have been listening to Thai song since 10 ago.
Miao, you got good taste!
hahahah thank you XD
shall check it out. kakaka
oh oh oh i listen to their songs too!!!
now i just know their names wahahahah thank you
I do listen to Thai songs, and movies!
Miao have you heard “Splash Out”? It’s Thai Pop! 😀
I don’t like. Too Kpop alike.
Splash out is really a nice hippy pop song! Like it!
i don’t like. XD
hahaha a little like kpop
LOL! By force… I do agree that some Thai songs are good. But I’ve also seen a lot of Thai pop artist copying Kpop so…… XD
HAhahaha jangan lar listen those kpop copy type.
Chinese pop also copying nowadays.
Haha…when they ask, instead of saying “Thai songs”, just say “Here, let me show you”…and shove the song into their ears 😛
hahahah nice idea XD
force straight!!
Thai Songs Are quite good.
though i’m more of a Jpop fan *^* idk why most of my friends are into kpop :p
a trend thing maybe.
not cool if not listening?
Ya man! K-Pop is too mainstream!! And I believe one day Thai will overtake this K-pop fever! Feel that they have more to offer~ hehehe
uh hum the genre are wider.
Some Thai songs are really very good! I learnt that one must NEVER, EVER make fun of somebody’s music choice because…. I used to scoff at people who listen to K-pop, until I became a fan of K-pop myself llorz lol
hahahah lai lai time to switch
I don’t think K-pop is too mainstream, ya it is more popular now but i still not think is it that mainstream.
Well.. consider adi since all 3 language (English, Chinese and Malay) stations are broadcasting it now and then.
i listen to japan music, korean music hongkong, taiwan, american, malaysia etc etc~ XDDD
hahah international ar you XD
one i dont listen is hongkong.me no like canto songs. dunno why
speaking of Thai songs, I used to watch Thai drama back in Primary school days, every evening after school.
There’s one drama that is worth watching – Phoenix Blood.
and this song is awesome to me, just to share with you. hope you like it too 🙂
woah, i never watch a Thai drama before. usually i watch the movies. XD
thanks for the song, shall check it out
Thai songs are not that bad. I’d listen to some old drama ost and I love them.
And even though I like KPop as well, I must say, Thai songs is better than that KPops.
But I’ve listen to anime ost nowadays XD
Oh, I will listen to your Thai song, and may be download them.
The thai song i put just randomly select one. XD
just youtube search can find lots more better ones 😀 hehe
Jpop. i used to not understand them but after taking Japanese Proficiency courses, i grew to understand what they are singing :3
maybe i should take Thai class hahaha
Jpop / Jrock all the way~ (anime otaku)
I don’t understand at all.. but I have been listening to J’s only since 2008.
=D since.. you are not into mainstream kpop.. try check out on One Ok Rock.
oh oh heard about one ok rock before.
but cant remember where.
Yay!!! Jpop/Jrock fan~ xD
I heard Jrock is good! 😀
I listen to most songs in most language.
It doesn’t matter what language, as long as it is nice to hear, I’ll hear em.
So if you have other recommendations, tell me! hahah…
I’ll look into the lyrics once I got hooked to the music.
My playlist so far consist of:
Malay, English, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, German, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, Thai, Pinoy…
But I steer away from music without lyrics (dubstep) and disco, dance and the like. I can hear em, but only in certain mood and situation. (which is rare and I don’t like em so much)
woahh that’s a very wide range of music/songs. hahahaa XD
dubstep is nice when working without thinking. XD
I don’t like the story of the last two songs… too sad.. huhu…
hahaha Thai MV mostly are sad one.
Kpop and Thai Song are too mainstream.. Listen to Russian and Ukraine song. 😛
Woahh that one too hipster adi hahahaha XD
wait till you’re addicted to thai movies.
Hahah i am addicted to Thai movies XD
I heard the girls in Tpop are all tranvestites (pondan)
hahahah that’s a little stereotyping XD
but no, not all. there are some transvestites artist.
Thai people appreciate talent more so they have all sort of artist, fat, not that good looking, trans etc.. but all with good voices and songs.
try this link, you will be a fan of thai music… http://www.deungdutjai.com/ its also has fb fan too…
omg! thank you!!! 😀
try this link, http://www.deungdutjai.com/, it has an english translation and romanisation, youl be a fan of thai music… welcome 🙂
kamsahamida!! 😀
I will listen to Thai songs esp. those oldies. My dad can sing some of it :D.
Not hard to hear those songs here in PJ, there’s a Thai temple, a lot of Thai restaurants & stalls & quite a high number of Thai. communities here. I used to mingle with some local mix Siamese & whenever I go eat at the Thai fusion restaurant they will play those music. The workers there like to sing out loud while doing their work.
Yer.. you’re making me to miss Thailand even more. huhu
I also don’t listen to Korean songs! too mainstream.
actually I do listen to songs that i don’t understand. but later on, I learn Mandarin that way. 😀
hahah five!
I’m trying the same for Thai but couldn’t catch a single word.
Yay Thai music! ^_^ I feel like it’s much more original than Kpop
Cute comics too! 😀 May I ask what does “Lor” mean?
And finally, someone who doesn’t like that stupid Splash Out song hahaha
Five!!! 😀
Yep especially those jazzy, slow song.
oh thanks for the compliment hehehe. “Lor”, actually doesn’t have any meaning.
It’s just a sound, we, Malaysian like to add at the end of our sentence but somehow it emphasizes the word before it. XD
For example, using it on Happy lor. Can somehow giving a tone that you want to say “Happy, what else”
Finally T3T i found one who don’t like the song too. hahhaha
I used to listen to Vietnamese songs coz I my ex-roomie from college was from Vietnam and she plays it 24/7. I asked her to share me her playlist before we left :p
Too bad my hard disk got corrupted and I lost the songs though.
woahh awesome. 😀
I still can’t get used to Vietnamese language. Will need some time to get used to the tones.