Collab Post: We and Mother Earth

Jian Akiraceo Rant 7 Comments

That day I was chating with Wai Kit from Bolehland, then came to this discussion on human being a virus to the Mother Earth. It seems like human does nothing but damage to the environment and nature. (not all but most of them) I being cat in a human body, I am guilty as well.  Sorry, mother nature.

And I don’t understand why can’t human co-exist with the nature and have development TOGETHER with them especially the humans in our country. 😐

It irritates me whenever the people cut down the whole stretch of trees by the road for a flight over at the end of the road. 😐 Can’t you just cut ONLY the trees on the road-a-bout  or around the flight over spot.  =.=

Development together with nature is possible. I have seen pictures of them. Having trees around the cities and along roads or highways over trees and through mountains, instead of removing trees and mountains for the roads.


*random rant* hahaha

oh, we, cats are taking over the internet. If you haven’t notice. XD bwahahaha

On the side note, do check out Bolehland‘s comic, if you have not.

Comments 7

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  1. Cat. This issue has been around ages..

    Famine, Drought, Wars, Pollution, These stuff started once humans begin.

    Hellboy: The Golden Army has the part of the elves’ TREE MONSTER THING.

    What more U want??? Killer planet the earth with the stockpiled of killer planet nukes….

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