Comments 40

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  1. Wa… Who in the world loves jam? I think froggy is trying to psycho himself to think that ‘Jam isn’t so bad after all. Relax relax….’. But in fact he’s pretty pissed with the traffic. Haha.

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  2. My worst ever jam was 9 hours to penang when the usual is 4 hours (3 1/2 for my dad who speeds)

    T_T 9 hours really buttock open flower ahhhhhh. boleh duduk plane dunno go where dy

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  3. Always plan ahead of schedule, where u want to go, where is the alternate route, what time usually the traffic start to congest, on the second choice, ride a motorcycle/bicycle. >_<

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  4. LOL I remember the longest reported jam was 5hours++, there’s massive jam, rain & flood.
    So trapped at the highway.
    My friend was torn between thirsty + hungry + sleepy + want to pee.
    It was right after work on a Thursday evening, so right out of the cold office.. heading home for a warm dinner is a bliss, unfortunately it became a twilight zone nightmare.

    So what he did after 3hours, he drank some water, treasure hunt whatever food/candies in his car/bag. After that, his pipe were about to burst.. he recalled his aunt’s stories about holding on for too long will spoil the A-Z parts of the body.

    With the rain tht’s like “peeing from the sky like waterfall”… he almost wanted to get off the highway pee at a corner or just open the door slightly to pee to the road. He’s got this “hygiene” issue about peeing in the car & storing the pee in the car but was afraid get accident due to the heavy rain.

    His only water bottle is those “good 2-3 liter size” aka “not plastic bottle (in his own words”). The thought of peeing into it just disgust him, but his “life & death” were in his hands & pants at tht time.. so eventually even though the bottle is still 1/2 full.. he emptied it thru the window (coz. can’t drink anymore too full). Relieved dah, he felt stupid coz. he felt thirsty. Luckily for him, he use the rain water to wash his hand. LOL. He almost stuck his head outside for rainwater. So he told me moral of the story, always hv empty bottles in the car ( for gals lain ceritalah).

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  5. I did, last year…
    And because of that, I have to make sure I went to toilet before I went home. XD
    How to survive long in the jam? I’m used to it, so…I can handle it pretty well. Well…if I’m alone that’s it XD

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  6. I was stuck in a jam for hours from KL to Penang and I had to pee badly and the next toilet stop was 20km away. T^T Luckily I could still hold it. Terrible experience.

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  7. That’s why I don’t want to work in KL! In Penang even though there is jam, it is still better. Usually I will listen to the radio in the car…if no nice songs, I will flip flip flip the channels… haha

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  8. One of the reason why I don’t like driving car in daily basis, especially go to work.
    I prefer motorbike. I don’t care about hot sunny day and chilly cold rain, as long as I don’t stuck in traffic jam for hours. XD

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  9. i put novels in my hp and started reading it while stuck in jam. I think I finished most of my novels in car….

    sometimes I use that time to memorize songs or lyrics or script and practice my singing. I think a lot of people might have stared, but I just buat tak tau~~ hoho

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      1. having a book with you all the time is handy. I’m sort of a bibliophile, (not a chronic one but still…) but sometimes it’s a drag to bring book around when u are travelling light. So thank god for ebooks and smartphones. lol

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