The Lady in front of the Lift

Jian Akiraceo Outdoor 21 Comments

The following story is based on a true story encountered by a friend of mine in Penang Island, last night.

Jeng Jeng Jeng.

**actual conversation dialogue**

Just the kicking the lady off at 13rd floor is made up.

Seriously, most of the time, i think humans are the one who keep scaring  each other. Time for a confession session, what’s your best scaring prank you ever pull off? or maybe the awkward ever?

Comments 21

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  1. I went to the park to have a small walk JUST NOW. There was a bridge which was dimly lit. I saw a girl in a bright red dress and long hair up to her waist and covering her face standing right in the middle of the bridge. I was like, ok, time to leave. But out of curiosity I stared for a little longer, because her posture seems a little bit odd. Suddenly a figure move beside her, and there was these hands holding this girl from behind. Then it struck me, it was a couple making out in the dark and the girl with the bright red dress was facing backwards. Get a room, I almost yelled. But then I might be wrong. Hahaha…

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  2. LOL.. did you know there are some people who hv “fear of being dirrrrtyyy” = Automysophobia.

    I’ve met my fair share of people like tht.,
    – fear to open the toilet door coz. it’s dirty/wet/afraid of contamination
    (solution is simple: just use the tissue to open thn. throw away, sometimes I use the leg to hold the door for them while I air dry my hand)
    – fear of taking public transport coz. of all the “dirt” from seats, smell & people
    – fear of using another person’s mouse/keyboard (need to wipe first)
    – fear of getting into the lif or sitting beside someone with flu

    Last time in college, I’ve met a bunch of guys who fear to enter the same lift coz. I met an accident & went to class wth a bandaged on my head. They didn’t even dare to look at me.
    Reason: Scared blood “might” my come out & bandage is scary to them.
    So for fun, I purposely wear it even though the wound’s all healed up. >:D

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  3. Omg why so scary one? I’m more afraid of humans than ghost. Got one time at damai hilltop hotel, a friend saw a towel white figure outside the balcony there and told me but I didn’t see it. So kinda scary when walking out at 5am to see it

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  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! If I were your friend, I won’t ask why didn’t she press the button.. I will press it.. when the lift door opens, I will let her in first.. if she follows me in.. i’ll run out !!!

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