Miao doesn’t watch Ghost movies

Jian Akiraceo Room 52 Comments

but when he does, he…

Wafu: What you’re watching? the Conjuring?

Miao: Nope, Pee Mak.

Wafu: That’s a Comedy Ghost Movie.

Miao: Still it’s a Ghost movie.

Wafu: . . . .how you gonna find a gf like this?

Miao: Shuddup. It’s not related.

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Those who knows me knows that I don’t watch Ghost movie, due to the nature of my imaginative mind, I will suffer from after ghost movie effect. And the scenes in my mind will be much more scary than the movie itself.

The only time I will watch, is either I’m forced by friend, to accompany friends or it’s a Thai comedy. 😐 Anyone here don’t watch ghost movie too?

Comments 52

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  1. T_T I avoid ghost movie like a plague hahaha!
    even pee mak when i frst went in the cinema, damn skeptical….keep on covering my eyes ^^” but okayla. it’s really funny although i still half covered my eyes…..:P

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  2. This sounds like me!
    Interested in horror movies but too scared to watch and I did exactly like you.

    I keep switching channel if scary scenes come up. Same with iklan. XD

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  3. lmao.. me neither… can’t stand watching ghost stories.. will keep on appearing wherever i go, experience from before. >__<

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  4. I don’t watch ghost movie also. I have the same nature like u, nightmare when I sleep during night time. No point of sake accompanying friends after that side effect then no good

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  5. I don’t watch ghost movie because it is:
    – nonsense,
    – zero benefit,
    – not enjoyable,
    – wasting time,
    – wasting money if watch at cinema,
    – scaring yourself for no reason,
    – some have “post-ghost-movie syndrome”.
    So I avoid ghost movie by all possible means.

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  6. HAHAHAHA I can totally relate to this! I never watch scary movies unless it’s with friends. x_x Or if i do, i’ll shrink the window and turn on all the lights before watching lololol

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  7. J’adore horror movies if they are decently good. Some are just not worth watching.

    I used to suffer from the same overactive imagination and scare myself senseless. Fortunately it just stop sometime back.

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  8. i don’t mind watching it, but like you, i suffer from after ghost movie effect. just yesterday i watched the conjuring and i woke up only 5 times and take an hour or so each time to fall back to sleep.

    but the thing with me, i don’t look away when watching. i want to see everything. consequences be damned. lol

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  9. Ooo…Miao is scared of horror movie…XD
    Well…it’s been long since I watch one myself. I prefer reading ghost stories from real life experience than a movie. Since…horror movie is so much fake than real.

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  10. i love ghost movie/stories A LOT!!!! i was planing to go and watch the Conjuring on raya holiday but it got blown up because one of my friend she don’t watch ghost/ scary movies… e.e

    we should go watch the Conjuring Miao.. they say that the movie was not scary at ALL.. o.o.. by at ALL i mean only some little girl appear at the ceiling, scary movie sound effect~~~ XDD

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  11. i also don’t watch XD but then there was once my friends challenged me to watch.. they ended up more scared than me o.o i just don’t find horror/psycho movies entertaining. it’s a waste of money & time. sometimes they force me to watch by buying my ticket… i would just pay them and go shopping or yumcha on my own while they go watch… i don’t mind burning the ticket 😛

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  12. I don’t watch horror movies, but not because of imagination or anything…mainly it’s because I feel they always use loud sounds to shock you. The story isn’t even really scary…

    But then, if the story is really scary, I don’t think I will want to watch it either. Why would I want to scare myself? Haha…

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  13. yeah… i dont like ghost movie too… i just watch them at noon, never watch them at nite… thats so scary… i always mute the sound when its getting creepier… and switch the channel.. lol…

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