Story from Malaysian Borneo’s side

Jian Akiraceo Random 32 Comments

This is an entry I did for the campaign, 50×50 My Malaysia stories in conjunction of up coming Malaysia Day.

Feel free to read up other Malaysian’s stories at Β MyMalaysia50.comΒ πŸ™‚






Different people different story.

We still have a long way to go as a Malaysian. Let’s start by listening to each other stories atΒ MyMalaysia50.comΒ and see every sides of Malaysia.Β πŸ™‚

Come share the Malaysia you know of, or the Malaysia you want it to be. πŸ™‚

Comments 32

  1. I feel you bro. When I first went to KL to further my studies, one of my classmate actually asked me whether we in Sarawak still practise animisme. =__=

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  2. so trueeeeee… how i wish west m’sia will be as open-minded as the east. my mom keep ‘halal’ cutleries at home so that she can serve her malay friends when they visit us during cny πŸ™‚ and we would order kfc, rendang, ketupat and satay for cny open house! XD

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  3. Pingback: The Malaysia “Miao” grew up in | 50x50 My Malaysia

  4. I apologized for the bad thing West Malaysian said to East Malaysian.
    Truthfully I really hate that kind of thing.
    West and East is just an ocean apart, no difference. Malaysian is Malaysian.

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      I, myself used to it after so many years. hehehe
      but newcomers might feel offended.

      Well, it’s all because of lack of understanding.
      Best if everyone can just stop, sit down, listen and understand each other.

  5. Same here! I apologize on behalf of those who may sound harsh in any way. But note that NOT ALL west malaysians are like that πŸ™‚ Not me, at least! Btw, nice post *thumbs up*

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  6. Im stay at penang,actually i hope penang and malaysia can separate.i love penang more than Malaysia. Malaysia is SUCK!!! >.<

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      technically, Penang cannot break from Malaysia but Penang might need to refer to Malaya Federation Agreement if it decides to leave the Malaya Federation.

      Malaysia Federation is made out of Sabah Sarawak and Malaya.

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  7. Miao I’m sorry that you have such bad experience when you first come to west malaysia.. not everyone’s like that ya.. my university mates (especially during my Foundation year) came from different ethics and cultures as well… after 7 years, most of the gang still in contact with each other and we tend to have gathering once in awhile.

    sure there are many idiots and racists in our country, but let’s not give up just yet πŸ™‚

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  8. The only thing that I find different and fascinating is the traditional outfit (which I couldn’t wear) and the 7th Day Adventist. i never knew we had that until I befriended some Sabahan. lol
    Other than that, I find that we are basically the same. Well, at least I am. haha

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      1. oh… what d u think? haha
        Oh yes, I am still fascinated with the tanglung flying we saw last time. i forgot about that. We don’t see it here in Semenanjung. oh, and some of the food. hehe

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