How to be a driver.. a fast driver, the fastest way?
There’s only one step needed…
Had this urge to poop last night when i was outside having drinks with friends.
Gosh I drove super fast yesterday overtaking every single vehicle in front of me. >.<
Luckily I survive and reached home before it bursts.
Thank you…
Comments 40
Ewwww, what last picture is that? Your axxx???
btw, why the Takumi Fujiwara’s cup contains water instead coffee?
hahahaha XD
oh, memang water ler.
Since when Kuching got train? U went to Jln Keretapi? XD
Jalan Keretapi!!
hahhah exactly
since brooke lol XD
I think you mean having stomach ache cum diarrhea and urge to poop.
English aside, you didn’t use the outside toilet meh? XD
yessu!! thank you for the correction. no wor.. i hv this hygiene thingy
T3T huhuhuh
When it comes to toilet business, no one can stop you.
lmao, last picture though.
at moment there feels like it gonna explodes!
so scary
Y not just go to a gas station and settle ur business first? The least u can do is give the deposit first. LOL
ehhh i kinda particular with pooing location
Wah…you drive fast on left lane eh?
in Kuching yes, because people drive slow in right :/
Luckily you arrive home safely. lol.
well…. i had that experience too. hahhaa.. but. it is even worst when it is traffic jam.
Traffic jam sure sounds scary!
traffic lights only i adi can’t tahan
you have no idea~~~
I understand that feeling. SOmetime i feel the house is so near 5 more minute but…. so near yet so far. It was hell to drive with stomachache
like taking forever right
Hahahahahaha!! laugh die me!
jahat nya laugh me.
Oi. Wats with the anal picture??? U wanna anal probe is it???
Never die before, drive so fast. If U die, no more comic for us to see…
sounds fast but not that fast in real life.
people here drive very slow at 40km/h
ahaha XDD
i think it happen to mostly everyone.. including me.. but you are much lucky then me.. you drive.. me.. on bus.. -____-“…..
wah bus.
highway or in city?
kl.. -__-.. you say leh.. city also like high way.. jam until!!!
Next time settle first lah,I don wan to be mean but anything can happened . Right? What if u did not hurt urself but others get hurt?Not saying u are lousy driver , but everything is possible .dont risk rhisnkind of matter bro… Hehe peace out ^^
understand what you mean.
true true anything can happen.
Been there bro. I was cursing out loud at every red light and slow driver ahead of me. Not to mention I was gripping and banging the steering wheel like mad. XD
same here. i even tutup ac just in case.
Miao faster than Takumi!! =-O
takumi saja pfft. hahahaha
I’m know your feeling bro!
five bro five!!
hahahhahaha… I can feel you bro… LOL
high five man!! hahaha