but a short one tho. I gonna make a series of more detailed Sarawak posts after my Sarawak Road trip post
Hehehe stay tune yo ^^ so….
Yes we non Dayaks also join in the fun and visits our friends or relatives (if we have any).
Rather than I explained via comics,
Here are 2 series of web films done by Petronas in conjunction of Kaamatan and Gawai in 2013. I really love these series from Petronas, it kinda like a brief summary on what Kaamatan and Gawai is about.
Do check out these vids on the Gawai celebration back in the longhouse.
(Click here to watch Sabah’s Kaamatan festival web series)
Kinda interesting right? Petronas really have done a good job here to promote the two big festivals of Sabah and Sarawak with these vids. They even documented some of the rituals. Many of these Dayak rituals kinda disappear with time without anyone to inherit from them.
I heard from an uncle during my last Gawai visit to Longhouse (read here if you have not about my trip back longhouse) that there’s a Gawai Eve festival called the Gawai Antu, it is where they celebrate for the dead. In one of the rituals, they will sing the song in reverse in order for those from the afterlife hear them. Awesome, right? Hehehe
Hmm maybe I should do some posts for the rituals or Dayak folktale I heard of. XD
Anyway, if you guys have any more things to ask, feel free to drop in the comment box; If there’s a need, I will create another post hehehe to explain and answer any Gawai related questions. I love sharing stuff about my Sarawak. hehehe
I can’t help out with Kaamatan part tho, as I’m also clueless. Hahaha They might seems alike but actually a bit different
in terms of how they celebrate them. I also found out after watching Petronas vids hahaha.
Oh oh I think they are doing another for this year’s Kaamatan and Gawai. > v < Can’t wait for them. Here’s the webfilm.
Okay lar..
Do comments or like or share and I will draw more Sarawak posts in future ya ^ ^
It’s best to know about your country more right? hehehe
There are so many tales to tell.
One about these 2 Iban brothers where one of them turned into the King of Ghost.
Last but not least…
Comments 13
Go Sabah museum~~ you can learn a lot about the local indigenous peoples culture~~ and you can see all the faces of the beauty pageant winner of the pesta kamamamatan~~~ Not bad yo~!
i’m going sabah next month!! 😀 oh wait this month!!
very informative.. 🙂
heheh 😀 more coming
Deeply touched that you blogged detaily w. Visuals & all.
Ok.berbaloi voted for u (Digi) 🙂
hahhahah thanks XD
tapi tak kena finalist. oh well
haha nice intro to Gawai! Though my poor Bruneian speeds make it hell to load the youtube videos – the comics are good enough!
just a brief XD later will go into details
Used to study in UNIMAS. Really like the Tuak. Not to forget to serene culture.
hahahah glad to hear that XD
fr so many info. LOL I don’t mind spending u ice cream! 😀
thank you for ice cream!!!
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