Miao’s AABC Penang Takeover

Jian Akiraceo Penang, Trip 15 Comments

#1 Best Breakfast in Penang – Discover the best breakfast place

#2 Penangness – Resemble Penang

#3 Penang Essentials – Guide for tourist visiting Penang for food and heritage trail

#4 Heritage Trail

#5 Eat Penang Style





Our first stop was to discover the best spot for Penang breakfast, we went to Macalister road.

I just love Penang prawn paste, it’s like no need money wan. They kasi a lot in their food. Penangite may not aware of it but No-need-Money-Kasi-A Lot-Prawn-Paste is a Penang signature thing.

#1 Best Breakfast in Penang – Discover the best breakfast place

It’s so hard to take this photo as the lady boss refused to pause for me T3T.


Next stop is to capture something that resemble Penang. At first we thought of NOT capturing Komtar because we think everyone will do that. What else that makes us think of Penang when we sees it. Our first thought is Ferry. Only Penang has such Ferry and I think no one would took the effort to go all the way to Sberang Prai for this challenge.

but in the end, I posted a shot of Street Hawker Stall as I feel Hawker Street Culture is Penang. Without it, Penang is not Penang. The amount of stalls by the street in Penang is amazing. In Kuching, such culture is abolished where all stalls are force to move to food centres.

#2 Penangness – Resemble Penang



To save cost, we decided to take buses, but we ended up lost in our way. Thank God, we met this auntie, she guided us around on where to take, where to drop off and even told us where we can find good food, and share some stories about a certain places.

#3 Penang Essentials – Guide for tourist visiting Penang for food and heritage trail

That’s when I noticed, actually the best guide for food and places to have is actually a Penangite.


For this challenge, I bet many would take a lot of the mainstream tourist spots. XD I thought that maybe we can do something different but what. We roamed clueless-ly along the street on our way to our lunch spot.

Then I noticed…

…that actually the whole city is a heritage. Those old buildings and those old shops that operate as how they were back in the old days tell so much stories. You can see how simple the old clinic with just partitions and fans and a grocery shop with milo tin as money collector.

#4 Heritage Trail


We then brought to this factory hidden behind some shops.

It’s a Nyonya kuih factory…

with a restaurant at the back that serves many Nyonya food.

We were for one thing. Assam laksa with Popiah. I heard it’s a very Penang way of eating Assam Laksa.

#5 Eat Penang Style

And oh my, it goes so well together. I’m so gonna do this next time when I’m having my Assam Laksa.


It’s my fourth time visiting Penang and I always discover new things there especially this time where I did most of the travel on foot and skipping the main POI.

In the end, we did not win the challenge but I did went back Kuching with a trophy.

A big trophy. What to do, Penang food is really amazing.

Thank God we have a direct flight from Kuching, can go whenever I want to fix my Penang food cravings.

Comments 15

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  1. I myself as a penangite for 30 years also didn’t know the existence of the nyonya koay factory.. =..=

    I fail man.. Seriously..

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  2. It’s nice to meet up with you in person in Penang Jian~ 🙂 Anyway, you have tried the laksa with popiah on the island. However, on the mainland it’s served with a thin slab of prawns/anchovies fritter~ You must try the dish out during your next visit~ 🙂

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