The other day, my sister dropped by our place and bought dinner/supper for her son. It was a set of Sugarbun Fried Chicken with Raisin Rice. My eyes straight away went OvO. It’s been months since I last ate fast food. …
End of Gawai Trip at Semulong Ulu Longhouse Sarawak (Epi 7)
. . . Answer is… it’s not who but why. hahaha XP ———————————————————- Nevertheless a big Thank you to the Newton family for the trip and the great hospitality. I have experienced a lot of stuff that I will never …
Gawai is here!! Nyirup Nyirup!! (Epi 6)
Previously on epi 4, I slept at 10pm while admiring the awesomeness of fireflies. Like they always say, everything comes with a cost. The awesome view comes with a back ache. As we were visitors, there were no mattress for …